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What's a good way (or tool) to version control a SQLite database (schema only)?


Can anyone suggest a good way (or tool) to version control a SQLite database (schema only)? I'm trying to version control a SQLite database and the only option I can find involves using GIT to version control the whole file, but I'm not interested in the data at this point, just the schema changes.

Any suggestions?

Thanks :-)

like image 719
Aang Avatar asked Nov 19 '15 16:11


People also ask

Is there a version control for database?

Version Control protects production systems from uncontrolled change. The VCS acts as a guard against 'uncontrolled' database changes i.e. against direct changes to the code, structure, or configuration of a production database.

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If you just want to work with SQLite, DB Browser for SQLite and SQLiteStudio are good choices. Both tools offer similar features for the casual user and do not require any preparation to access your database. The more you want to do, the more I suggest you use SQLiteStudio.

What is a database versioning tool?

Versioning a database means sharing all changes of a database that are neccessary for other team members in order to get the project running properly. Database versioning starts with a settled database schema (skeleton) and optionally with some data.

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Every SQLite database contains a single "schema table" that stores the schema for that database. The schema for a database is a description of all of the other tables, indexes, triggers, and views that are contained within the database.

2 Answers

I have a two fold answer. If your sqlite is light enough and infrequently updated, you can add it into the repository without too many repercussions/issues.

But readablity goes down for diffs since it is stored as a binary.

sqlite3 git diff

Here is how to get git to show you diffs nicely:


git config diff.sqlite3.textconv 'sqlite3 $1 .dump'
echo '*.db diff=sqlite3' >> $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.gitattributes

Now when your sqlite db file changes you can see the change with git diff.

If you wanted to only see the diff of the schema, you just change .dump to .schema and it should only do the create calls and skip the inserts.

sqlite3 conversion in and out of the repository with clean/smudge

If you want your db file to get pushed into the repository as sql instead of as a db, you can use the clean/smudge mechanisms in git.



I haven't tried it yet, but basically whenever you run across a file that is a db, git commits the stripped down version of the file (as sql commands) using the sqlite3 $1 .schema export. And then when you checkout that file from your database, it gets converted back to a db using cat $1 | sqlite3.

sqlite3 always keep the newest file

Right way of tracking a sqlite3 binary file in git?


mysqlite3.db merge=keepTheir

Hope that helps.

like image 175
phyatt Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10


There is a command line utility documented here here on SQLite.org called sqldiff.exe. It provides various options including comparing schema. To configure git to use sqldiff instead of the built in diff tool check out this discussion: How do I view 'git diff' output with a visual diff program?. Unfortunately it looks like its not a trivial task.

Edit: It looks like the only way to get the sqldiff tool is to download the full source (all the way at the bottom of the downloads page) and compile it.

like image 39
BenCamps Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10
