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What's a good Java, curses-like, library for terminal applications? [closed]

I would like to write a Java terminal application that does screen manipulation. Are there any good libraries out there that allow you to manipulate the screen like curses in the *nix/C world?

Minimal features I'm looking for are windowing and user input support.

In feature-speak, I'd like to have a region of the terminal where some data is regularly updated while (at the same time) the user can enter commands/text in some other part of the screen.

like image 952
Francisco Canedo Avatar asked Jan 13 '09 16:01

Francisco Canedo

People also ask

What is Ncurses library Linux?

Ncurses is a programming library providing an API, allowing the programmer to write text-based user interfaces, Text User Interface (TUI), in a terminal-independent manner. It also optimizes screen changes, in order to reduce the latency experienced when using remote Unix shell.

How do I use ncurses in C++?

To use ncurses library functions, you have to include ncurses. h in your programs. To link the program with ncurses the flag -lncurses should be added.

2 Answers

I found the lanterna library recently. Haven't had the opportunity to use it yet but it looks like a more up-to-date alternative to the others.

like image 132
Bryce Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09


There is Charva, which links to native code but has an api based on Swing. The screenshots show lots of text windows, so that looks useful.

like image 38
Bart Schuller Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09

Bart Schuller