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What's a good C memory allocator for embedded systems? [closed]


I have an single threaded, embedded application that allocates and deallocates lots and lots of small blocks (32-64b). The perfect scenario for a cache based allocator. And although I could TRY to write one it'll likely be a waste of time, and not as well tested and tuned as some solution that's already been on the front lines.

So what would be the best allocator I could use for this scenario?

Note: I'm using a Lua Virtual Machine in the system (which is the culprit of 80+% of the allocations), so I can't trivially refactor my code to use stack allocations to increase allocation performance.

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Robert Gould Avatar asked Oct 07 '08 04:10

Robert Gould

People also ask

Which memory allocation is used in embedded system?

Static memory allocation The advantage of this in embedded systems is that the whole issue of memory-related bugs—due to leaks, failures, and dangling pointers—simply does not exist. Many compilers for 8-bit processors such as the 8051 or PIC are designed to perform static allocation.

Why malloc is not used in embedded systems?

There are a number of reasons why malloc() is not generally recommended for embedded applications: The function is commonly not re-entrant (thread friendly), so using it with a real-time operating system may be challenging.

What is dynamic memory allocation in embedded C?

This is known as dynamic memory allocation. If you're programming in C, this probably means using the memory allocation and release functions, malloc() and free() . Dynamic memory allocation and the structures that implement it in C are so universal that they're usually treated as a black box.

What are the problems with dynamic memory allocation in embedded systems?

Dynamic memory allocation makes it very difficult to debug, especially with some of the limited/primitive debug tools available on embedded system. If you statically allocate stuff then you know where stuff is all the time which means it is much easier to inspect the state of something.

2 Answers

I'm a bit late to the party, but I just want to share very efficient memory allocator for embedded systems I've recently found and tested: https://github.com/dimonomid/umm_malloc

This is a memory management library specifically designed to work with the ARM7, personally I use it on PIC32 device, but it should work on any 16- and 8-bit device (I have plans to test in on 16-bit PIC24, but I haven't tested it yet)

I was seriously beaten by fragmentation with default allocator: my project often allocates blocks of various size, from several bytes to several hundreds of bytes, and sometimes I faced 'out of memory' error. My PIC32 device has total 32K of RAM, and 8192 bytes is used for heap. At the particular moment there is more than 5K of free memory, but default allocator has maximum non-fragmented memory block just of about 700 bytes, because of fragmentation. This is too bad, so I decided to look for more efficient solution.

I already was aware of some allocators, but all of them has some limitations (such as block size should be a power or 2, and starting not from 2 but from, say, 128 bytes), or was just buggy. Every time before, I had to switch back to the default allocator.

But this time, I'm lucky: I've found this one: http://hempeldesigngroup.com/embedded/stories/memorymanager/

When I tried this memory allocator, in exactly the same situation with 5K of free memory, it has more than 3800 bytes block! It was so unbelievable to me (comparing to 700 bytes), and I performed hard test: device worked heavily more than 30 hours. No memory leaks, everything works as it should work. I also found this allocator in the FreeRTOS repository: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2FFreeRTOS%2FSource%2Fportable%2FMemMang%2F&rev=1041&peg=1041# , and this fact is an additional evidence of stability of umm_malloc. So I completely switched to umm_malloc, and I'm quite happy with it.

I just had to change it a bit: configuration was a bit buggy when macro UMM_TEST_MAIN is not defined, so, I've created the github repository (the link is at the top of this post). Now, user dependent configuration is stored in separate file umm_malloc_cfg.h

I haven't got deeply yet in the algorithms applied in this allocator, but it has very detailed explanation of algorithms, so anyone who is interested can look at the top of the file umm_malloc.c . At least, "binning" approach should give huge benefit in less-fragmentation: http://g.oswego.edu/dl/html/malloc.html

I believe that anyone who needs for efficient memory allocator for microcontrollers, should at least try this one.

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Dmitry Frank Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 08:09

Dmitry Frank

In a past project in C I worked on, we went down the road of implementing our own memory management routines for a library ran on a wide range of platforms including embedded systems. The library also allocated and freed a large number of small buffers. It ran relatively well and didn't take a large amount of code to implement. I can give you a bit of background on that implementation in case you want to develop something yourself.

The basic implementation included a set of routines that managed buffers of a set size. The routines were used as wrappers around malloc() and free(). We used these routines to manage allocation of structures that we frequently used and also to manage generic buffers of set sizes. A structure was used to describe each type of buffer being managed. When a buffer of a specific type was allocated, we'd malloc() the memory in blocks (if a list of free buffers was empty). IE, if we were managing 10 byte buffers, we might make a single malloc() that contained space for 100 of these buffers to reduce fragmentation and the number of underlying mallocs needed.

At the front of each buffer would be a pointer that would be used to chain the buffers in a free list. When the 100 buffers were allocated, each buffer would be chained together in the free list. When the buffer was in use, the pointer would be set to null. We also maintained a list of the "blocks" of buffers, so that we could do a simple cleanup by calling free() on each of the actual malloc'd buffers.

For management of dynamic buffer sizes, we also added a size_t variable at the beginning of each buffer telling the size of the buffer. This was then used to identify which buffer block to put the buffer back into when it was freed. We had replacement routines for malloc() and free() that did pointer arithmetic to get the buffer size and then to put the buffer into the free list. We also had a limit on how large of buffers we managed. Buffers larger than this limit were simply malloc'd and passed to the user. For structures that we managed, we created wrapper routines for allocation and freeing of the specific structures.

Eventually we also evolved the system to include garbage collection when requested by the user to clean up unused memory. Since we had control over the whole system, there were various optimizations we were able to make over time to increase performance of the system. As I mentioned, it did work quite well.

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Steve Wranovsky Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Steve Wranovsky