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What WYSIWYG works well with jQuery and Ruby on Rails 3.1 (Sprockets)?

I am having trouble making any "common" WYSIWYG work with Rails. We even had to do one ourselves with RedCloth for the moment.

I tried to use tinymce-rails but couldn't make it work. Also tried nicEdit which worked but only when you called the online library (and also looks abandoned).

Has anyone worked with a good WYSIWYG that is jQuery and Rails 3.1 (Sprockets) friendly?

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ersamy Avatar asked Sep 02 '11 19:09


Video Answer

3 Answers

I use ckeditor in my Rails 3.1 app.

Just throw the folder into you lib/assets/javascripts and whenever you need it reference it like this:

= javascript_include_tag "ckeditor/ckeditor.js"

And in javascript:

    CKEDITOR.replace( 'input',
        // Optional params:
        skin : 'office2003',
        height: '700px'
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Plattsy Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


After struggling with this issue for quite awhile, I came up with a solution for using the standard tinyMCE with Rails 3.1 and the asset pipeline.

  1. I started with the tinyMCE jQuery package.
  2. Create a directory in vendor for tinyMCE: /vendor/assets/javascripts/tiny_mce
  3. Place only jquery.tinymce.js inside of /vendor/assets/javascripts/tiny_mce
  4. Place the remaining tinyMCE files in a directory in your /public/javascripts folder, inside of a directory called tiny_mce
  5. Add tinyMCE to your application.js like so:

    //=require jquery
    //=require tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js
  6. I initialize tinyMCE in my application.js as well, and set a script_url path to tell tinyMCE that it's supporting files now live in my public/javascripts/tiny_mce directory:

      script_url : '/javascripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js',

That should work. Now you are using the asset pipeline to load tinyMCE, and serving the supporting assets and javascripts from the public directory.

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jaeysin Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


The Mercury Editor looks promising. I'm planning to try it on my next rails project.


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Nvick Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
