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What would Clojure lose by switching away from leading parenthesis like Dylan, Julia and Seph?

Three lispy homoiconic languages, Dylan, Julia and Seph all moved away from leading parenthesis - so a hypothetical function call in Common Lisp that would look like:

(print hello world)

Would look like the following hypothetical function call

print(hello world)

in the three languages mentioned above.

Were Clojure to go down this path - what would it have to sacrifice to get there?

Reasoning: Apart from the amazing lazy functional data structures in Clojure, and the improved syntax for maps and seqs, the language support for concurrency, the JVM platform, the tooling and the awesome community - the distinctive thing about it being 'a LISP' is leading parenthesis giving homoiconicity which gives macros providing syntax abstraction.

But if you don't need leading parentheses - why have them? The only arguments I can think of for keeping them are

(1) reusing tool support in emacs

(2) prompting people to 'think in LISP' and not try and treat it as another procedural language)

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hawkeye Avatar asked Mar 02 '12 12:03


4 Answers

(Credit to andrew cooke's answer, who provided the link to Wheeler's and Gloria's "Readable Lisp S-expressions Project")

The link above is a project intended to provide a readable syntax for all languages based on s-expressions, including Scheme and Clojure. The conclusion is that it can be done: there's a way to have readable Lisp without the parentheses.

Basically what David Wheeler's project does is add syntactic sugar to Lisp-like languages to provide more modern syntax, in a way that doesn't break Lisp's support for domain-specific languages. The enhancements are optional and backwards-compatible, so you can include as much or as little of it as you want and mix them with existing code.

This project defines three new expression types:

  • Curly-infix-expressions. (+ 1 2 3) becomes {1 + 2 + 3} at every place you want to use infix operators of any arity. (There is a special case that needs to be handled with care if the inline expression uses several operators, like {1 + 2 * 3} - although {1 + {2 * 3} } works as expected).
  • Neoteric-expressions. (f x y) becomes f(x y) (requires that no space is placed between the function name and its parameters)
  • Sweet-expressions. Opening and closing parens can be replaced with (optional) python-like semantic indentation. Sweet-expressions can be freely mixed with traditional parentheses s-expressions.

The result is Lisp-compliant but much more readable code. An example of how the new syntactic sugar enhances readability:

(define (gcd_ a b)
    (let (r (% b a))
        (if (= r 0) a (gcd_ r a))))

(define-macro (my-gcd)
    (apply gcd_ (args) 2))


define gcd_(a b)
    let r {b % a}
        if {r = 0} a gcd_(r a)

define-macro my-gcd()
    apply gcd_ (args) 2

Note how the syntax is compatible with macros, which was a problem with previous projects that intended to improve Lisp syntax (as described by Wheeler and Gloria). Because it's just sugar, the final form of each new expression is a s-expression, transformed by the language reader before macros are processed - so macros don't need any special treatment. Thus the "readable Lisp" project preserves homoiconicity, the property that allows Lisp to represent code as data within the language, which is what allows it to be a powerful meta-programming environment.

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TuringTest Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 14:10


Just moving the parentheses one atom in for function calls wouldn't be enough to satisfy anybody; people will be complaining about lack of infix operators, begin/end blocks etc. Plus you'd probably have to introduce commas / delimiters in all sorts of places.

Give them that and macros will be much harder just to write correctly (and it would probably be even harder to write macros that look and act nicely with all the new syntax you've introduced by then). And macros are not something that's a nice feature you can ignore or make a whole lot more annoying; the whole language (like any other Lisp) is built right on top of them. Most of the "user-visible" stuff that's in clojure.core, including let, def, defn etc are macros.

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Joost Diepenmaat Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 16:10

Joost Diepenmaat

Writing macros would become much more difficult because the structure would no longer be simple you would need another way to encode where expressions start and stop using some syntactic symbol to mark the start and end of expressions to you can write code that generates expressions perhaps you could solve this problem by adding something like a ( to mark the start of the expression...

On a completely different angle, it is well worth watching this video on the difference between familiar and easy making lisps syntax more familiar wont make it any easier for people to learn and may make it misleading if it looks to much like something it is not.

even If you completely disagree, that video is well worth the hour.

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Arthur Ulfeldt Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 15:10

Arthur Ulfeldt

you wouldn't need to sacrifice anything. there's a very carefully thought-out approach by david wheeler that's completely transparent and backwards compatible, with full support for macros etc.

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andrew cooke Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 15:10

andrew cooke