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What would cause Chrome autofill to stop working?


People also ask

Why did Chrome Stop Auto filling passwords?

Check Auto Fill Settings Open the Chrome menu. Then click Settings to open the Chrome Settings panel. Next, you should see the AutoComplete section, complete with all three categories. Click on the Passwords section, make sure the offer to save passwords and automatic login are enabled.

How come Autofill isn't working?

Check Auto-Fill Settings Start by opening the Chrome menu. Next, click Settings to bring up the Chrome Settings pane. You should then see the Autofill section, complete with the three categories, to the middle of the screen.

I've got a new site we're working that uses HTML5. Everything validates except for the LESS stylesheets and the Facebook tags. However, Chrome will not autofill properly. If I type 'chr' in the first name field, I get the standard Autofill drop down beneath it, but highlighting, clicking, or otherwise selecting the autofill option does not complete the form as it should. The autofill dropdown merely goes away.

I'm guessing there's something in my HTML that is confusing the autofill code, but I can't seem to find any information on the web about Chrome's autofill implementation and things to look for when it doesn't work.

Edit: I know Autofill is working properly because it works on other sites, even other sites we've developed. It's got to be something specific to the HTML on this site.