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What would be a good project to learn node.js [closed]



Everyone is talking about NodeJS so I though I'll look into it by creating a usefull project but I cant really think of something usefull to build on NodeJS tha fully demonstrates it's capabilities.

does any of you have a good idea ?

like image 857
Paté Avatar asked Jan 19 '11 09:01


People also ask

Can I learn node js in 3 days?

It takes around 3 months to fully learn Node JS and be able to build a functional full-stack application. If you already know some other programming, you can get the basics down within a few week's time. This is because there are so many moving parts that go into building a working app such as a social network.

Is it worth learning node JS in 2022?

Node. js development has become very popular over the last four years and continues to stand the competition in 2022 making startups worldwide choose it over other available options.

2 Answers

If it's web-based apps you're interested in creating, and if you don't mind following a tutorial, then I'll recommend DailyJS's tutorial series on building a web-based, Notepad-like application from start to finish on Node: http://dailyjs.com/tags.html#lmawa.

It covers all the basics, including databases, middleware, templates and testing.

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David Tang Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

David Tang

Build a web framework, like everybody else. ;)

But seriously, this can expose you to network programming, file i/o, and HTTP at a level that isn't typically reached when using someone else's framework (hands-on is much better than reading somebody else's code).

With Node it may no longer be "Build a blog," but rather "Build a framework that builds a blog."

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TK-421 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09
