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What web server to use for Lua web development [closed]

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Can I use Lua for web development?

Lua is a highly flexible language and it is often used in multiple platforms including web applications. The Kepler community that was formed in 2004 to provide open source web components in Lua.

Which server is used for web development?

Apache HTTP Server This is the most popular web server in the world developed by the Apache Software Foundation. Apache web server is an open source software and can be installed on almost all operating systems including Linux, UNIX, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and more.

There are a few Lua-based webservers around:

  • Xavante seems to be the most popular.
  • Haserl is nice and small.
  • Nanoki is not strictly a webserver, but a nice small pure Lua wiki engine worth studying. As for the Lua wikies, there is also Sputnik, which is fully featured and very flexible, but is a bit on the slow side.
  • There is mod_lua (ex mod_wombat) if you prefer Apache. Looks like it would make it into the next Apache distribution as a core module.
  • Note that it is not so hard to write a FastCGI Lua module.
  • There is also Luv Lua MVC web-framework project (GitHub page). It is not mature yet, but may contain some interesting insights.

Update. Some more frameworks to check out:

  • Luvit: http://luvit.io/ (too node-like for my taste)
  • ngx_lua module for nginx: http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpLuaModule
  • TIR for mongrel2: http://tir.mongrel2.org/
  • Ophal: http://ophal.org (web platform)
  • lev: https://github.com/connectFree/lev
  • Turbo: https://github.com/kernelsauce/turbo

We've been working on the ngx_lua module for nginx, which supports 100% non-blocking network traffic to mysql, PostgreSQL, memcached, other http services, and more, hence outstanding concurrency level and over-all performance :)


and we're using it in production :)

The best web server I can think for lua web development is mongrel2. Take a look on TIR framework, which, IMHO, is the best lua use for web development these days.

For development, it can be handy to run a small test server. A good candidate in particular for Lua web development is the Xavante server which is part of the Kepler project. Aside from some of the supporting Kepler modules , Xavante itself is written in pure Lua.

For production, the new mod_lua (which had been known as mod_wombat before the Apache team accepted it into the core set of modules) running on Apache would seem to be a well-respected choice.

there is as well the LuCI project [1]. which is the LuaConfigurationInterface, the web based mangement frontend for OpenWRT (embedded Linux).

The LuCI guys wrote also a very small webserver, called lucittpd. LuCI is an MVC as well. And in production state ;)

[1] http://luci.subsignal.org