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What version of Apache HttpClient is used in Android 4.2.2 SDK?

What version of Apache HttpClient is used in Android 4.2.2 SDK? I checked https://code.google.com/p/httpclientandroidlib/ but it does not seem correct, reason being AuthCache class is supposed to be in the Android 4.2.2 SDK if it is using the latest HttpClient.

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user2205998 Avatar asked Mar 27 '13 12:03


1 Answers

What version of Apache HttpClient is used in Android 4.2.2 SDK?

The same one as has been in every version of Android since the beginning. I think the official number is 4.0-beta-1, or possibly 4.0-beta-2. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/4818714/115145 for more.

https://code.google.com/p/httpclientandroidlib/ is a refactoring of HttpClient into a new package (ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib), to allow for it to exist in your VM at the same time as Android's older version of HttpClient.

like image 172
CommonsWare Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 05:10
