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What username & password should be entered when connecting to SQL*Plus after installing Oracle 11g?

I have installed Oracle 11g on Windows 7

When I start sqlplus, it ask me for a username and password

Can anybody tell me what username needs to be inserted and when I try to type in any password, it doesn't allow me to type a single letter. Is there a reason why?

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Hirvesh Avatar asked Jan 04 '12 05:01


People also ask

What is an example of a username?

Generally, it means a username is a short form of a user's full name and surname. For example, the name of a user name is John Smith; he may have the username site, which may be created with the combination of the first four letters of the alias or last name followed by the first letter of the first name.

What is a user name '?

A Username is a special name given to a person to uniquely identify them on a computer network. Also called account names, login IDs, or user IDs, usernames are given to a person by the network administrator or they are selected by the user.

How do you create a username?

Your username should be simple enough to remember but hard to guess. Never use easy-to-guess numbers with your usernames (for example, address or date of birth). Don't use your Social Security number or ID number as your username. If you're struggling, try an online username generator.

2 Answers

If you've forgotten the password for any user then you can reset by logging in as SYS:

sqlplus / as sysdba

And then:

alter user <username> identified by <password>;

If you've forgotten which users you have then you can run:

select username from all_users;

If you have only recently created the database it would be worthwhile restricting on CREATED, as the default database install comes with dozens of its own schemas. For instance, to find users added in the last week run this:

select * from all_users
where created > trunc(sysdate)-7;
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John Doyle Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

John Doyle

Enter SYSTEM as user-name and the password entered during installing 11g works well for me!

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Bruce Yo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Bruce Yo