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What use as Database for developing asp.net vNext + Entity Framework 7 on OSX

I'm trying to set up my environment for developing asp.net vNext + Entity Framework 7 on my OSX.

Apparently, there is no provider for MySQL neither PostgreSQL yet. Thus, what can be used as database for developing on OSX?

What you folks have been doing for develop asp.net vNext on OSX? Or should I set up a Windows VM?

Any suggestion?

I've got even an open issue on Github on this topic.


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Rogério R. Alcântara Avatar asked Jan 08 '15 08:01

Rogério R. Alcântara

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What is Entity Framework in asp net core?

Entity Framework (EF) Core is a lightweight, extensible, open source and cross-platform version of the popular Entity Framework data access technology. EF Core can serve as an object-relational mapper (O/RM), which: Enables . NET developers to work with a database using . NET objects.

1 Answers

We will have a PostgreSQL and/or MySQL provider for EF7 (either delivered by our team or we'll work with a provider writer to help them build it). Work hasn't started on them yet though.

We haven't been focusing on EF7 on Mono at this stage, so there are likely some rough edges. We do have some folks who have successfully used it to connect to a remote SQL Server though.

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Rowan Miller Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09

Rowan Miller