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What types of Written Design Documents are used in DDD projects?

1.Which of the following types of written design documents do we normally use on DDD projects:

a. Requirements specifications document

b. Document explaining the the meaning of core elements

c. Document giving the bird's eye view of an application structure

d. Document explaining the meaning behind the terms used by Ubiquitous language

e. Document listing the vocabulary of Ubiquitous language

f. Informal UML diagrams

anything else?

2.Which document types should be created as standalone documents and which should be combined within a single document ( example: document containing diagrams surrounded by text )?

3.And what are Requirements specifications? A list of use cases, a list of tasks program is able to perform or combination of both?


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EdvRusj Avatar asked Apr 29 '13 17:04


1 Answers

Consider the following:

  • A statement of the purpose of your application in 25 words or less
  • A representation of your model in both code and uml
  • A list of features corresponding to the current or desired model
  • A list of constraints (business rules) on the model
  • Where applicable, a sequence diagram for each feature
  • A statement of non-functional requirements
  • An architectural overview for team members (including model boundaries and contexts)
  • Team instructions and procedures

Note: use cases or user stories can inform your list of features. However, I recommend that a feature be the unit of work.

I recommend that the initial model be created (discovered) in a modeling workshop attended by both domain experts (business) and developers. It must be led by someone proficient in domain modeling.

Business rules are constraints on the model of two types: Property and Collaboration. By way of example, business rules prevent an elevator from moving with the doors open, a perishable item being placed in a non-refrigerated bin, or a cancelled purchase being shipped.

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aryeh Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 15:10
