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What type of certificate do you need in iOS?

I am new in iOS development & I have couple of common questions about the certification of developer.apple. I want to create a certificate for my MAC (from where I will develop my applications using xcode 5) from my newly created developer.apple account. I followed some of tutorials about it, but all of them are in OLD INTERFACE. They have less option in the time of creating certificate. But, now when i go to my account, I see some more option then the tutorials. I don't have enough knowledge about iOS certification. So, after clicking "+" button, in "certificates" section (from left panel), I find these options :

enter image description here

Now, if I want to create a certificate for both "Development & Production" I think I should select "iOS App Development" from "Development" section & go through it and as well as "App Store and Ad Hoc" from "Production" section. But my question is, if my application is about push notification & I select these two option for creating certificate, is these two certificate allow that??

If any one can describe about the other options besides these two (when should I select those at the time of making certificates), that will be more appreciable.

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Tulon Avatar asked Jan 11 '23 19:01


2 Answers

Very nice tutorial, explained everything you need.

You can create certificate using "iOS App Development" but you need to enable the push notification services while creating the APP ID and also need to generate the push notification SSL certificate. You can create push notification SSL from either way, it is same. You can read the Apple's Documentation here, for more understanding : https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/Chapters/ProvisioningDevelopment.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH104-SW1

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Vinay Jain Avatar answered Jan 20 '23 00:01

Vinay Jain

About the first option "Development", you have two options because you have to create 2 different certificates if you want to handle push notification. This tutorial using the API Urban Air Ship explain everything about the certificate for push notification : Urban Air Ship iOS Certificate

It is the same mechanisms for the production, it's why there is still 2 certificates needed.

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Pull Avatar answered Jan 20 '23 01:01
