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What type of BarCode is this?

I am starting the process of writing an application, one part of which is to decode bar codes, however I'm off to a bad start. I am no bar code expert and this is not a common bar code type, so I'm in trouble. I cannot figure out what type of bar code this is, which I have to decode.

I have looked on Wikipedia and some other sites with visual descriptions of different types of bar codes (and how to identify them), however I cannot identify it. Please note that I have tried several free bar code decoding programs and they have all failed to decode this.

So here is a picture of that bar code:

alt text http://www.shrani.si/f/2B/4p/4UCVyP72/barcode.jpg

I hope one of you can recognize it. Also if anyone has worked with this before and knows of a library that can decode them (from an image), I'd love to hear about them.

I'm very thankful for any additional pointers I can receive. Thank you.

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David Božjak Avatar asked Dec 17 '22 06:12

David Božjak

1 Answers

zbar thinks it's Code 128 but the decoded string is suspiciously different than the barcode's own caption. Maybe it's a charset difference?

~/src/zebra-0.5/zebraimg$ ./zebraimg ~/src/barcode/reader/barcode.jpg 
scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 images in 0.04 seconds

My old copy was called zebra but the library is now called zbar. http://sourceforge.net/projects/zbar/

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joeforker Avatar answered Dec 19 '22 21:12
