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What type are file objects in Python [closed]


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What is file closed in Python?

Python file method close() closes the opened file. A closed file cannot be read or written any more. Any operation, which requires that the file be opened will raise a ValueError after the file has been closed. Calling close() more than once is allowed.

Is closed a file attribute in Python?

Attributes: closed: returns a boolean indicating the current state of the file object. It returns true if the file is closed and false when the file is open.

What is the type of file object in Python?

What is the File Object? Python file object provides methods and attributes to access and manipulate files. Using file objects, we can read or write any files. Whenever we open a file to perform any operations on it, Python returns a file object.

Are Python files automatically closed?

Within the block of code opened by “with”, our file is open, and can be read from freely. However, once Python exits from the “with” block, the file is automatically closed.

How can I use 'isinstance' to determine the 'type' of a file object, such as in the expression:

>>> open(file)