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What to read to understand how Java works? [closed]



Knowing how Java works in initializing objects and how it bind methods and fields to an object , abstract , final methods to an object and some other issues take a lot of time to guess myself , and i needed to ensure that every guess i made was correct by asking here and there . I need some recommendations to read or watch (books-tutorials-articles-videos) , thanks in advance

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Adham shafik Avatar asked Oct 01 '10 02:10

Adham shafik

People also ask

How Java works explain?

Java, being a platform-independent programming language, doesn't work on the one-step compilation. Instead, it involves a two-step execution, first through an OS-independent compiler; and second, in a virtual machine (JVM) which is custom-built for every operating system.

How does Java read code?

Java doesn't read your code. Java is a language. The compiler will 'read' and parse your code, and generate bytecode that will be executed by the JVM. And yes, if you cause an infinite loop it's a problem and your program won't exit.

3 Answers

What better source than Sun's Java Language Specification?

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burkestar Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10


You can read any java book out there, there is a ton. But you won't know how java works until you actually start programming. Find a project and start coding!

I do like the Head First series for beginners. There is a Java book they publish. http://headfirstlabs.com/

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Starkey Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10


Go through the article in http://www.javaworld.com/ and such sites.

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fastcodejava Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10
