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What to do when interface implementation does not provide async

Let's say I have an interface:

interface ILoader()
    Task<Data> LoadAsync(int id);

I have two implementations of this interface:

class NiceDataBase : ILoader 
    public async Task<Data> LoadAsync(int id)
        //this database has async way of fetching the data
        return await NiceDataBaseDriver.LoadDataAsync(id);

class NotNiceDataBase : ILoader 
    public async Task<Data> LoadAsync(int id)
        //this database's driver does not have aysnc methods, because it's old or done poorly.
        return await Task.Run(() => NotNiceDataBaseDriver.LoadData(id));

The NotNiceDataBase doesn't provide real async way to load the data, that's why I actually run it on a new thread, which, as I understand, is not really async, because real async does not use a new thread. Is my implementation of NotNiceDataBase a good one then? It kind of cheats the user to think that he is running a real async operation.

What is the optimal way to deal with such situation? I think that the client of NotNiceDataBase should be completely aware what he is doing, otherwise he can't control performance of hiw application well.

My interface could have additional Load method. But in such case, what's the real benefit here? Still LoadAsync of NotNiceDataBase would need to have some implementation. Throwing NotImplementedException is never a good solution I think.

like image 688
Loreno Avatar asked Aug 30 '18 10:08


1 Answers

As you know async is an implementation detail and you can not define async on interfaces. So all you have to do is

public class NotNiceDataBase : ILoader
    public Task<Data> LoadAsync(int id)
        //this database's driver does not have aysnc methods, because it's old or done poorly.    
        var result = NotNiceDataBaseDriver.LoadData(id);
        return Task.FromResult(result);
like image 71
Hasan Emrah Süngü Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10

Hasan Emrah Süngü