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What to do if I want 3D spline/smooth interpolation of random unstructured data?

I was inspired by this answer by @James to see how griddata and map_coordinates might be used. In the examples below I'm showing 2D data, but my interest is in 3D. I noticed that griddata only provides splines for 1D and 2D, and is limited to linear interpolation for 3D and higher (probably for very good reasons). However, map_coordinates seems to be fine with 3D using higher order (smoother than piece-wise linear) interpolation.

My primary question: if I have random, unstructured data (where I can not use map_coordinates) in 3D, is there some way to get smoother than piece-wise linear interpolation within the NumPy SciPy universe, or at least nearby?

My secondary question: is spline for 3D not available in griddata because it is difficult or tedious to implement, or is there a fundamental difficulty?

The images and horrible python below show my current understanding of how griddata and map_coordinates can or can't be used. Interpolation is done along the thick black line.


interpolation of structured data


interpolation of unstructured data

Horrible python:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def g(x, y):
    return np.exp(-((x-1.0)**2 + (y-1.0)**2))

def findit(x, X):  # or could use some 1D interpolation
    fraction = (x - X[0]) / (X[-1]-X[0])
    return fraction * float(X.shape[0]-1)

nth, nr = 12, 11
theta_min, theta_max = 0.2, 1.3
r_min,     r_max     = 0.7, 2.0

theta = np.linspace(theta_min, theta_max, nth)
r     = np.linspace(r_min,     r_max,     nr)

R, TH = np.meshgrid(r, theta)
Xp, Yp  = R*np.cos(TH), R*np.sin(TH)
array = g(Xp, Yp)

x, y = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0, 200), np.linspace(0.0, 2.0, 200)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
blob = g(X, Y)

xtest = np.linspace(0.25, 1.75, 40)
ytest = np.zeros_like(xtest) + 0.75

rtest = np.sqrt(xtest**2 + ytest**2)
thetatest = np.arctan2(xtest, ytest)

ir = findit(rtest, r)
it = findit(thetatest, theta)



plt.scatter(100.0*Xp.flatten(), 100.0*Yp.flatten())
plt.plot(100.0*xtest, 100.0*ytest, '-k', linewidth=3)
plt.imshow(blob, origin='lower', cmap='gray')

plt.text(5, 5, "don't use jet!", color='white')

exact = g(xtest, ytest)

import scipy.ndimage.interpolation as spndint
ndint0 = spndint.map_coordinates(array, [it, ir], order=0)
ndint1 = spndint.map_coordinates(array, [it, ir], order=1)
ndint2 = spndint.map_coordinates(array, [it, ir], order=2)

import scipy.interpolate as spint
points = np.vstack((Xp.flatten(), Yp.flatten())).T   # could use np.array(zip(...))
grid_x = xtest
grid_y = np.array([0.75])

g0 = spint.griddata(points, array.flatten(), (grid_x, grid_y), method='nearest')
g1 = spint.griddata(points, array.flatten(), (grid_x, grid_y), method='linear')
g2 = spint.griddata(points, array.flatten(), (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic')


plt.plot(exact, 'or')


plt.plot(exact, 'or')


#plt.plot(ndint0 - exact)
plt.plot(ndint1 - exact)
plt.plot(ndint2 - exact)
plt.title("error map_coordinates")


#plt.plot(g0 - exact)
plt.plot(g1 - exact)
plt.plot(g2 - exact)
plt.title("error griddata")


seed_points_rand = 2.0 * np.random.random((400, 2))
rr = np.sqrt((seed_points_rand**2).sum(axis=-1))
thth = np.arctan2(seed_points_rand[...,1], seed_points_rand[...,0])
isinside = (rr>r_min) * (rr<r_max) * (thth>theta_min) * (thth<theta_max)
points_rand = seed_points_rand[isinside]

Xprand, Yprand = points_rand.T  # unpack
array_rand = g(Xprand, Yprand)

grid_x = xtest
grid_y = np.array([0.75])



plt.scatter(100.0*Xprand.flatten(), 100.0*Yprand.flatten())
plt.plot(100.0*xtest, 100.0*ytest, '-k', linewidth=3)
plt.imshow(blob, origin='lower', cmap='gray')
plt.text(5, 5, "don't use jet!", color='white')

g0rand = spint.griddata(points_rand, array_rand.flatten(), (grid_x, grid_y), method='nearest')
g1rand = spint.griddata(points_rand, array_rand.flatten(), (grid_x, grid_y), method='linear')
g2rand = spint.griddata(points_rand, array_rand.flatten(), (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic')


plt.plot(exact, 'or')


#plt.plot(g0rand - exact)
plt.plot(g1rand - exact)
plt.plot(g2rand - exact)
plt.title("error griddata")

like image 708
uhoh Avatar asked Sep 24 '15 04:09


People also ask

Why is spline interpolation better?

Its (Splines) advantage is higher accuracy with the less computational effort. It is a computationally efficient method and the produced algorithm can easily be implemented on a computer.

What is smooth interpolation?

We wish to present here a method of interpolating to the given set of points by a polynomial of degree n which generally gives a less oscillatory representation-hence the name "smooth interpolation"-of the given points than the unique interpolating polynomial of degree less than or equal to n - 1.

How many points are required to use the spline methods for interpolation?

Interpolation with cubic splines between eight points. Hand-drawn technical drawings for shipbuilding are a historical example of spline interpolation; drawings were constructed using flexible rulers that were bent to follow pre-defined points.

Can I interpolate to tens of thousands of unstructured points?

I would like to interpolate these to tens of thousands of other unstructured points. The interpolation can be smoothing, but piecewise linear is preferred, and I would prefer for it to be smoother than a nearest neighbour interpolation.

Is it possible to smooth the nearest neighbour interpolation?

The interpolation can be smoothing, but piecewise linear is preferred, and I would prefer for it to be smoother than a nearest neighbour interpolation. Extrapolation may be required, so LinearNDInterpolator is out.

What is a 3-dimensional spline?

First we should define what is a 3-dimensional spline. Spline functions are immanantly connected with a plane. Maybe you should try Bezier curves, which are independent on dimension?

Is it possible to make the RBF interpolation more efficient?

This answer to a similar question indicated that it is possible to make the RBF interpolation more efficient when the number of inputs is large, but did not include the details. How can it be done?

1 Answers

Good question! (and nice plots!)

For unstructured data, you'll want to switch back to functions meant for unstructured data. griddata is one option, but uses triangulation with linear interpolation in between. This leads to "hard" edges at triangle boundaries.

Splines are radial basis functions. In scipy terms, you want scipy.interpolate.Rbf. I'd recommend using function="linear" or function="thin_plate" over cubic splines, but cubic is available as well. (Cubic splines will exacerbate problems with "overshooting" compared to linear or thin-plate splines.)

One caveat is that this particular implementation of radial basis functions will always use all points in your dataset. This is the most accurate and smooth approach, but it scales poorly as the number of input observation points increases. There are several ways around this, but things will get more complex. I'll leave that for another question.

At any rate, here's a simplified example. We'll generate random data and then interpolate it at points that are on a regular grid. (Note that the input is not on a regular grid, and the interpolated points don't need to be either.)

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x, y, z = np.random.random((3, 10))

interp = scipy.interpolate.Rbf(x, y, z, function='thin_plate')

yi, xi = np.mgrid[0:1:100j, 0:1:100j]

zi = interp(xi, yi)

plt.plot(x, y, 'ko')
plt.imshow(zi, extent=[0, 1, 1, 0], cmap='gist_earth')


enter image description here

Choice of spline type

I chose "thin_plate" as the type of spline. Our input observations points range from 0 to 1 (they're created by np.random.random). Notice that our interpolated values go slightly above 1 and well below zero. This is "overshooting".

enter image description here

Linear splines will completely avoid overshooting, but you'll wind up with "bullseye" patterns (nowhere near as severe as with IDW methods, though). For example, here's the exact same data interpolated with a linear radial basis function. Notice that our interpolated values never go above 1 or below 0:

enter image description here

Higher order splines will make trends in the data more continuous but will overshoot more. The default "multiquadric" is fairly similar to a thin-plate spline, but will make things a bit more continuous and overshoot a bit worse:

enter image description here

However, as you go to even higher order splines such as "cubic" (third order):

enter image description here

and "quintic" (fifth order)

enter image description here

You can really wind up with unreasonable results as soon as you move even slightly beyond your input data.

At any rate, here's a simple example to compare different radial basis functions on random data:

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x, y, z = np.random.random((3, 10))
yi, xi = np.mgrid[0:1:100j, 0:1:100j]

interp_types = ['multiquadric', 'inverse', 'gaussian', 'linear', 'cubic',
                'quintic', 'thin_plate']

for kind in interp_types:
    interp = scipy.interpolate.Rbf(x, y, z, function=kind)
    zi = interp(xi, yi)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(x, y, 'ko')
    im = ax.imshow(zi, extent=[0, 1, 1, 0], cmap='gist_earth')
    fig.savefig(kind + '.png', dpi=80)

like image 126
Joe Kington Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09

Joe Kington