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What to do after learning basic PHP? [closed]



I have learned extremely basic PHP (I think so) using Lynda Tutorial. After that, I feel, I got some grip on that language. My ambition is to become a web developer! After some googling, I planned to learn some more advanced and practical php by using websites like PHPSCripts, Webapps etc..

But, now I'm in a confusion! After my studies, when I seek for a web developer position & got selected, how will I work, by just knowing some language basics?

Can you guys help me to become a good web developer, what will I have to learn & how to learn?

Also, can I get the steps to do a practical PHP project.

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Alan Avatar asked Aug 15 '10 12:08


3 Answers

As a web developer it is important to have client and server side skills. But there are few web developers which are excellent at both... But knowing the basics and where to look for info is definitely a good starting point.

I would recommend to work through the following list(s) in the order presented. If you feel comfortable with a topic, move one. Even though that in reality you will often have to go back and forth during the learning process...

Client Side

  • CSS
  • a JavaScript Library (e.g. jQuery, prototype/scriptaculos, etc.)

Server Side - Infrastructure

  • familiarize yourself with shell scripting if working on Linux (e.g. bash, etc.)
  • Webserver (e.g. Apache)
  • PHP Server
  • Databases (e.g. MySQL, PosgreSQL, etc.)

Server Side - Programming

  • PHP
  • SQL

Advanced Topics

After getting familiar with the basics...

  • AJAX (this is placed here because it is a client/server topic, not because it is advanced...)
  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Security issues
  • Source Control Management (SCM) -> (e.g. git, etc.)
  • Model View Controller (MVC) software architecture
  • PHP Frameworks (Zend Framework, Symphony, CakePHP, Agavi)
  • Unit Testing (e.g. PHPUnit)
  • Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for PHP (doctrine, Propel)

Usually this keeps you busy for a while. At least it kept and still keeps me busy... ;)

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udo Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10


Here are few suggestions:

  • Read these advanced/practical php articles on phpro.org
  • Learn the basics of OOP
  • Familiarize yourself with php frameworks and CMS
  • Familiarize yourself with HTML/CSS/Javascript
  • Try to make clones of other websites
  • Try to volunteer in open source projects, you may get started at:
    • openhatch
    • sourceforge
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Sarfraz Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10


Im my opinion, A good webdeveloper MUST know:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

After this, it's important to know:

  • Jquery
  • Crossbrowsing (diferences of IE X Firefox x Chrome, etc)


  • HTML: it's the base of web.
  • CSS: in 2010, it's the base of web.
  • JavaScript: only the basic, to understand jquery after.
  • Jquery: you can solve a lot of problems quickly and it's large used.
  • XHTML: because your page may broke in modern browsers, if has a <br>, not a <br/>
  • Crossbrowsing: there is more than one browser in the world.
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Topera Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10
