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What to do about "transaction nonce too high" errors in RSK?





I have a decentralised application deployed on RSK, and has been working for several months. Everything works correctly using the public node, however infrequently, we start getting a totally random error:

Unknown Error: { 
  "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
  "id": 2978041344968143, 
  "error": { 
    "code": -32010, 
    "message": "transaction nonce too high" 

There is no information about “too high” nonces but many threads about “too slow”. I’m using web3.Contract.method.send().

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7alip Avatar asked Jan 18 '21 13:01


People also ask

How do you fix nonce errors too low?

In the MetaMask, Go to Settings > Advanced > Reset Account. This will reset the Nonce count associated with your wallet to 0 by clearing all previous transaction history stored in the cache of your browser. The next transaction that you initiate will be Nonce 0 and will be executed first.

How do you set a nonce transaction?

Step-1: Go to your account on the top right corner of your MetaMask extension and click on Settings. Step-2: Under Settings, click on Advanced Settings. Then find the setting that says: “Customize transaction nonce” Turn this on to change the nonce (transaction number) on confirmation screens.

What is nonce of transaction?

The nonce is the number of transactions sent from a given address. In English, a nonce is a number that can only be used once. In cryptography, a nonce is a one-time code selected in a random or pseudo-random manner that is used to securely transmit a main password, preventing replay attacks.

3 Answers

In Metamask, ensure you are on your dev/test account then:

1 click on the avatar circle top right 2 In the menu, choose Settings 3 Click Advanced 4 Scroll down a bit, make sure again you are on your testnet account, click Reset Account

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Nihi Gabriel Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10

Nihi Gabriel

There is a limit on the number transactions the same address can have on the transaction pool.

This limit is 4 for RSK, and is defined within TxValidatorNonceRangeValidator within the rskj code base:

BigInteger maxNumberOfTxsPerAddress = BigInteger.valueOf(4);

Note that Ethereum has a similar limit, but the limit that is configured in geth is 10. So if we have already sent 4 transactions, that have not been mined yet, and send a 5th transaction before the next block is mined, it will get an error that the nonce is too high. If a block was mined and it had let's say all 4 of the transactions, then we would be able to add up to 4 transactions for the next block.


(1) Send no more than 4 transactions from an address, until there is a new block.

(2) Aggregate all of the calls and then use a contract that executes them in a single go. An example of this is seen in RNS Batch Client ExecuteRegistrations.

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Alvaro Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 18:10


For me it happened when i restarted the node, following instruction fixed it:

Open up your MetaMask window and click on the icon in the top right to display accounts. Go to Settings, then Advanced and hit Reset Account.

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vivex Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10
