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What to add for the update portion in ConcurrentDictionary AddOrUpdate

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Is ConcurrentDictionary AddOrUpdate thread-safe?

It is thread safe in your usage. It becomes not thread safe when the delegate passed to AddOrUpdate has side effects, because those side effects may be executed twice for the same key and existing value.

How do you find the value of ConcurrentDictionary?

To retrieve single item, ConcurrentDictionary provides TryGetValue method. We have to provide Key in the TryGetValue method. It takes the out parameter to return the value of key. TryGetValue returns true if key exists, or returns false if key does not exists in dictionary.

Is ConcurrentDictionary GetOrAdd thread-safe?

The GetOrAdd functionThe vast majority of methods it exposes are thread safe, with the notable exception of one of the GetOrAdd overloads: TValue GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> valueFactory); This overload takes a key value, and checks whether the key already exists in the database.

You need to pass a Func which returns the value to be stored in the dictionary in case of an update. I guess in your case (since you don't distinguish between add and update) this would be:

var sessionId = a.Session.SessionID.ToString();
  (key, oldValue) => sessionId);

I.e. the Func always returns the sessionId, so that both Add and Update set the same value.

BTW: there is a sample on the MSDN page.

I hope, that I did not miss anything in your question, but why not just like this? It is easier, atomic and thread-safe (see below).

userDic[authUser.UserId] = sessionId;

Store a key/value pair into the dictionary unconditionally, overwriting any value for that key if the key already exists: Use the indexer’s setter

(See: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/pfxteam/archive/2010/01/08/9945809.aspx)

The indexer is atomic, too. If you pass a function instead, it might not be:

All of these operations are atomic and are thread-safe with regards to all other operations on the ConcurrentDictionary. The only caveat to the atomicity of each operation is for those which accept a delegate, namely AddOrUpdate and GetOrAdd. [...] these delegates are invoked outside of the locks

See: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/pfxteam/archive/2010/01/08/9945809.aspx

I ended up implementing an extension method:

static class ExtensionMethods
    // Either Add or overwrite
    public static void AddOrUpdate<K, V>(this ConcurrentDictionary<K, V> dictionary, K key, V value)
        dictionary.AddOrUpdate(key, value, (oldkey, oldvalue) => value);

For those who are interested in, I am currently implementing a case which is a great example for using the "oldValue" aka existing value instead of forcing a new one (personally I don't like the term "oldValue" as it is not that old when it was created just a few processor ticks ago from within a parallel thread).

    new ConcurrentQueue<T>(),
    (existingUid, existingValue) => existingValue