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What the reason for AWS Health status becoming RED?

I've deployed an application to AWS elastic beanstalk.

after start the application, it runs well. But after 5 minutes(I set health check every 5 min), it runs failed. I access the url but HTTP 503 error back.

From the event info, I only get the info that the health status from YELLOW TO GREEN.

But how can I get detailed info and what can I do about this error?

BTW: I don't understand that is this health status RED leads to application can't start up OR something else failed leads to application failed, then the health status becomes to RED?

like image 882
brucenan Avatar asked Oct 06 '12 08:10


People also ask

How do I check my AWS health status?

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Route 53 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/route53/ . In the navigation pane, choose Health Checks. For an overview of the status of all of your health checks—healthy or unhealthy—view the Status column.

1 Answers

Elastic Load Balancing has a health check daemon that checks the path you've provided for a 200-range HTTP status.

If there is a problem with the application, or its not returning a 2xx status code, or if you've misconfigured the health check URL, the status will go RED.

Two things you can do to see what's going on:

  1. Hit the hostname of an individual instance in your web browser — particularly the health check path. Are you seeing what you expected?

  2. SSH into the instance and check the logs in /var/log and /opt/elasticbeanstalk/var/log. Are there any errors that you can find?

Without knowing more about your application, stack or container type, that's the best I can do.

I hope this helps! :)

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Ryan Parman Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11

Ryan Parman