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What should I do when my boss tells me to make passwords the same as usernames by default in our software?

My boss is against requiring our users to have secure passwords, even going so far to request they be setup by default to have passwords the same as their username. What should I do in this situation? What would you do?

Update - Some users have brought up the question of whether the application needs high security. This isn't credit card information for example but does include sensitive information and a mailing list management and sending functionality.

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Dan Roberts Avatar asked Mar 03 '09 15:03

Dan Roberts

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Can the password and the user name be the same?

Having the same password as your username will make you a high risk for compromise. Here are other really bad passwords: password. secret.

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-Don't use easily guessed passwords, such as “password” or “user.” -Do not choose passwords based upon details that may not be as confidential as you'd expect, such as your birth date, your Social Security or phone number, or names of family members. -Do not use words that can be found in the dictionary.

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The company can require full access to anything you do for them or on their equipment. Asking for your personal password is absolutely the wrong way to handle that, though; they should be able to set up an administrative override on any system if that's really what they want. If they do so, you should cooperate.

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1 Answers

Make the best case you can for strong passwords and then, unfortunately, if they do not see your point of view either do what they asked or find a better job.

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Andrew Hare Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 04:10

Andrew Hare