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What should be the output of echo ++$a + $a++ [duplicate]

In the PHP manual, operator precedence section, there is this example:

// mixing ++ and + produces undefined behavior
$a = 1;
echo ++$a + $a++; // may print 4 or 5

I understand the behavior is undefined because of the following reason:

Since x + y = y + x the interpreter is free to evaluate x and y for addition in any order in order to optimize speed and/or memory. I concluded this after looking at the C code example in this article.

My question is that the output of the above mentioned PHP code should be 4 no matter which way the expression and sub-expressions are evaluated:

  • op1 = ++$a => $a = 2, op1 = 2; op2 = $a++ => op2 = 2, $a = 3; 2 + 2 = 4
  • op1 = $a++ => op1 = 1, $a = 2; op2 = ++$a => op2 = 3, $a = 3; 1 + 3 = 4

Where does the 5 come from? Or should I learn more about how the operators work?


I have been staring at Incrementing/Decrementing Operators section but still could not figure out why 5.

++$a: Pre-increment -- Increments $a by one, then returns $a.
$a++: Post-increment -- Returns $a, then increments $a by one.

like image 933
Salman A Avatar asked Jan 02 '13 07:01

Salman A

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Echo Command Syntax The echo command in Linux is used to display a string provided by the user. For example, use the following command to print Hello, World! as the output: echo Hello, World!

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In computing, echo is a command that outputs the strings that are passed to it as arguments. It is a command available in various operating system shells and typically used in shell scripts and batch files to output status text to the screen or a computer file, or as a source part of a pipeline.

2 Answers

a = 1;
++ (preincrement) gives a = 2 (higher precedence than +, and LR higher precedence than postincrement)
++ (postincrement) gives a = 3 (higher precedence than +)
+ (add) gives 2 + 3 = 5

$a is initially set to 1. The ++$a then preincrements $a before using it in the formula, setting it to 2, and pushing that value onto the lexer stack. The $++ is then executed, because incrementor has a higher precedence than +, and that value is also pushed that result onto the lexer stack; and the addition that then takes place adds the lexer stack's 2 result to the lexer stack's 3 result giving a result of 5, which is then echoed. The value of $a once the line has executed is 3.


a = 1;
++ (preincrement) gives a = 2 (higher precedence than +, and LR higher precedence than postincrement)
+ (add) gives 2 + 2 = 4 (the value that is echoed)
++ (postincrement) gives a = 3 (incremented __after__ the variable is echoed)

$a is initially set to 1. When the formula is parses, the ++$a preincrements $a, setting it to 2 before using it in the formula (pushing the result to the lexer stack). The result from the lexer stack and the current value of $a are then added together giving 4; and this value is echoed. Finally, $a is postincremented, leaving a value of 3 in $a.

like image 116
Mark Baker Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10

Mark Baker

Yes it will give you 5 because the right side operator works first by its priority/precendence and after that the sum(+) operator will work. So first increment makes it to 2 and second makes it to 3 and after that both will sum and outputs you the result as 5

$result = ++$a + $a++;

++$a outputs as 2

$a++ outputs as 2 3 only but internally it wll be incremented.

finally sum will happens as 2+3 = 5

like image 42
Vinoth Babu Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 22:10

Vinoth Babu