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What should be on a checklist that would help someone develop good OO software?




I have used OO programming languages and techniques years ago (primarily on C++) but in the intervening time haven't done much with OO.

I'm starting to make a small utility in C#. I could simply program it all without using good OO practice, but it would be a good refresher for me to apply OO techniques.

Like database normalization levels, I'm looking for a checklist that will remind me of the various rules of thumb for a 'good' object oriented program - a concise yes/no list that I can read through occasionally during design and implementation to prevent me from thinking and working procedurally. Would be even more useful if it contained the proper OO terms and concepts so that any check item is easily searchable for further information.

What should be on a checklist that would help someone develop good OO software?

Conversely, what 'tests' could be applied that would show software is not OO?

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Adam Davis Avatar asked May 27 '09 13:05

Adam Davis

People also ask

What is software development checklist?

A software development requirements checklist is a guide designed to take a company through every phase of software product development.

What is OO software design?

Object Oriented Software Design is an abstract practice that relates to Software Engineering or Computer Programming.

1 Answers

  • Objects do things. (Most important point in the whole of OOP!) Don't think about them as "data holders" - send them a message to do something. What verbs should my class have? The "Responsibility-Driven Design" school of thinking is brilliant for this. (See Object Design: Roles, Responsibilities, and Collaborations, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock and Alan McKean, Addison-Wesley 2003, ISBN 0201379430.)
  • For each thing the system must do, come up with a bunch of concrete scenarios describing how the objects talk to each other to get the job done. This means thinking in terms of interaction diagrams and acting out the method calls. - Don't start with a class diagram - that's SQL-thinking not OO-thinking.
  • Learn Test-Driven Development. Nobody gets their object model right up front but if you do TDD you're putting in the groundwork to make sure your object model does what it needs to and making it safe to refactor when things change later.
  • Only build for the requirements you have now - don't obsess about "re-use" or stuff that will be "useful later". If you only build what you need right now, you're keeping the design space of things you could do later much more open.
  • Forget about inheritance when you're modelling objects. It's just one way of implementing common code. When you're modelling objects just pretend you're looking at each object through an interface that describes what it can be asked to do.
  • If a method takes loads of parameters or if you need to repeatedly call a bunch of objects to get lots of data, the method might be in the wrong class. The best place for a method is right next to most of the fields it uses in the same class (or superclass ...)
  • Read a Design Patterns book for your language. If it's C#, try "Design Patterns in C#" by Steve Metsker. This will teach you a series of tricks you can use to divide work up between objects.
  • Don't test an object to see what type it is and then take action based on that type - that's a code smell that the object should probably be doing the work. It's a hint that you should call the object and ask it to do the work. (If only some kinds of objects do the work, you can simply have "do nothing" implementations in some objects... That's legitimate OOP.)
  • Putting the methods and data in the right classes makes OO code run faster (and gives virtual machines a chance to optimise better) - it's not just aesthetic or theoretical. The Sharble and Cohen study points this out - see http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=159420.155839 (See the graph of metrics on "number of instructions executed per scenario")
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Dafydd Rees Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09

Dafydd Rees