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What Predefined #if symbos does c# have?




what values does C# predefine for use?

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BCS Avatar asked Aug 21 '08 23:08


People also ask

What does a predefined mean?

/ˌpriː.dɪˈfaɪnd/ decided, set, or arranged before something is done: The chart can be filled out with a predefined set of values.

What is the meaning of predefined in computer?

A pre-defined function is built into the software and does not need to be created by a programmer. Pre-defined functions often exist to carry out common tasks, such as: finding an average number. determining the length of a string.

What is predefined time?

Predefined-time convergence means that a system is driven to the origin of its state space in a desired settling time that can be set as an explicit parameter of the controller and it is achieved independently of the initial conditions.

Is it pre-defined or predefined?

simple past tense and past participle of predefine.

2 Answers

To add to what Nick said, the MSDN documentation does not list any pre-defined names. It would seem that all need to come from #define and /define.

#if on MSDN

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Frank Krueger Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09

Frank Krueger

Depends on what /define compiler options you use. Visual Studio puts the DEBUG symbol in there for you via the project settings, but you could create any ones that you want.

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Nick Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09
