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What options are there for a quick embedded DB in .NET?

I'm making this tiny utility program (Windows Forms) and it would need to save a bit of data to the disk. In DB terms it would be about one table, no more than about couple thousand rows, each row being less then 1KB in size.

What would you use?

Added: Forgot to say - it would be really neat if the whole program would be just one .EXE file (plus the data file, of course). Thus I'd prefer something that is built in .NET.

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Vilx- Avatar asked Oct 16 '09 13:10


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What are embedded databases used for?

Embedded database systems are database management systems (DBMS) built or integrated into an application, effectively hiding or minimizing interaction with the database by an application's end users.

What is embedded database system?

An embedded database system is a database management system (DBMS) which is tightly integrated with an application software; it is embedded in the application.

Which of the following is used to open a table in database in asp net?

Displaying Data from a Database. Once you've got a database with data in it, you can display the data in an ASP.NET web page. To select the table rows to display, you use a SQL statement, which is a command that you pass to the database.

2 Answers

SQLite.It is small and have great wrapper for .Net.

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Alex Reitbort Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Alex Reitbort

Or theres Esent, the built in database that exists in every copy of windows. Read about it here: http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2008/12/23/hidden-windows-gems-extensible-storage-engine.aspx

If you're feeling brave, I've put together a simple document db PieDb (as in 'easy as').

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mcintyre321 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 20:09
