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What optimization problems do you want to have solved?

I love to work on AI optimization software (Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm, Ant Colony, ...). Unfortunately I have run out of interesting problems to solve. What problem would you like to have solved?

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martinus Avatar asked Dec 22 '08 14:12


2 Answers

This list of NP complete problems should keep you busy for a while...

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Hans Passant Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09

Hans Passant

How about the Hutter Prize?

From the entry on Wikipedia:

The Hutter Prize is a cash prize funded by Marcus Hutter which rewards data compression improvements on a specific 100 MB English text file. [...]

The goal of the Hutter Prize is to encourage research in artificial intelligence (AI). The organizers believe that text compression and AI are equivalent problems.

Basically the idea is that in order to make a compressor which is able to compress data most efficiently, the compressor must be, in Marcus Hutter's words, "smarter". For more information on the relation between artificial intelligence and compression, see the Motivation and FAQ sections of the Hutter Prize website.

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coobird Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
