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What on earth is CSS3 perspective property?


I searched online and found several materials, but none of them illustrated this concept clearly, at least for me. For example, the w3schools says it defines how many pixels a 3D element is placed from the view. It's so abstract to totally understand. Can someone tell me in a more vivid easy-to-understand way? It couldn't be better if there are some images to show this concept.

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chaonextdoor Avatar asked Apr 04 '12 20:04


People also ask

What is the perspective property in CSS?

The perspective property defines how far the object is away from the user. So, a lower value will result in a more intensive 3D effect than a higher value. When defining the perspective property for an element, it is the CHILD elements that get the perspective view, NOT the element itself.

Which css3 property is used to change how 3D elements are viewed?

The perspective property defines how many pixels a 3D element is placed from the view. This property allows you to change the perspective on how 3D elements are viewed.

Does 3D transform perspective property have z axis view?

The transform functionsThree dimensional transforms add the ability to manipulate objects along the z axis (or in the z direction). As with 2D transforms, 3D transforms are set using the transform property. Its value must be one or more functions and their arguments. Some examples follow.

2 Answers

In 3D transformations, perspective gives the object a 3D point of view and attempts to render the perspective of the 3D object from a particular viewer's perspective. It is not easy to understand.

Here's a Safari reference on it.

A beginning tutorial on it.

Some examples of using perspective.

Some more examples.

FYI, in the future I'd suggest disregarding all Google search hits that come from w3schools. They have somehow managed to co-opt a high Google searching ranking with incredibly shallow content.

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jfriend00 Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 00:11


When working in a 3D space, we need to set a perspective value, otherwise animated elements will look flat. How? The perspective CSS property gives an element a 3D space by affecting the distance between the Z index and the user.Remember: the Perspective property shouldn’t be applied to the element that will be animated (through a CSS Transition, Transformation or Animation), but to a parent element.

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Eldiyar Talantbek Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 00:11

Eldiyar Talantbek