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What must you know before you can get an entry-level Rails job?

Rails seems to be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it.

When I look at job postings for Rails they often contain a lot of requirements beyond just being able to throw an app together. This makes me think that even if knew the Agile Rails book from front cover to back I still wouldn't qualify for most Rails jobs.

So if you wanted to start at the bottom and get a basic entry-level Rails job, what would you generally need to know before you started vs. what would likely be a 'bonus'?

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010 Avatar asked Aug 13 '09 19:08


1 Answers

You should know a variety of web technologies, not just Rails. Learn databases. Learn Javascript and CSS. And in Rails, learn how to code complex entity relationships.

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mcandre Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
