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What makes an AMQ queue's pending message number negative?



After I purged the message of a queue (not a topic), the pending message number of this queue in Active MQ Admin console changed to negative.

I assumed the pending message number of any queue ought to be positive. Is it issue of purging? Or is it a bug of activemq?

like image 994
JuliaLi Avatar asked Sep 07 '12 04:09


2 Answers

It seems to be a bug in ActiveMQ. I've personally witnessed this bug on numerous occasions when purging a queue. It does not seem to affect actual message delivery however.

There are a number of open issues in the ActiveMQ issue tracker related to this problem. You can vote them up if you want:



like image 170
Sherif Behna Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 09:11

Sherif Behna

This problem is solved in ActiveMQ 5.8 :


like image 34
metatechbe Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 11:11
