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What kind of routes could I get back from kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRoute property?

Apple guy tried to be funny and wrote in the docs:

("Headphone," "Speaker," etc.)

What kind of return values are possible in reality?

like image 752
dontWatchMyProfile Avatar asked May 02 '10 13:05


2 Answers

I ran 'strings' on the CoreMedia framework (iOS4.2 SDK), and the following strings seem reasonable and are grouped together:

  • ReceiverAndMicrophone
  • HeadsetInOut
  • HeadphonesAndMicrophone
  • SpeakerAndMicrophone
  • HeadsetBT
  • LineInOut
  • Default

Command was:

strings -a -o CoreMedia | less

# CoreMedia is from /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer \
# /SDKs/iPhoneOS4.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMedia.framework
like image 148
l8nite Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10


He wasn't being funny, those are actual values. The only one I've seen that he didn't outline is "LineOut"

like image 3
Jamie Pinkham Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10

Jamie Pinkham