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What "kernel level C function" does Frenzapp use to detect running iOS processes?




According to this iphonedevsdk.com forum post, Frenzapp uses two methods to detect other apps installed on an iOS device:

  1. UIApplication canOpenUrl: to check if known custom URL schemas can be opened
  2. A "kernel level C function", that is "authorized by apple".

What "kernel level C function" are they using? Where is it documented?

like image 572
Glenn Barnett Avatar asked Dec 09 '10 15:12

Glenn Barnett

1 Answers

Thanks to Vladamir and Stephen Darlington for commenting and pointing us at what is most likely the answer:

  • The kernel C function is sysctl()
  • It's documented on Apple's iOS Developer site
  • You need to call it with a certain set of arguments to get the list of running processes (ids and strings)
    • See Vladimir's previous answer or This post for example code
like image 154
Glenn Barnett Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 13:10

Glenn Barnett