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What is wrong with spark sql substring function?

This should require no explanation. But could someone describe the logic behind the pos parameter of substring because I cannot make sense of this (Using Spark 2.1):

scala> val df = Seq("abcdef").toDS()
df: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[String] = [value: string]

scala> df.show
| value|

scala> df.selectExpr("substring(value, 0, 2)", "substring(value, 1, 2)", "substring(value, 2,2)", "substring(value, 3,2)").show
|substring(value, 0, 2)|substring(value, 1, 2)|substring(value, 2, 2)|substring(value, 3, 2)|
|                    ab|                    ab|                    bc|                    cd|
like image 934
Jeff Saremi Avatar asked Sep 29 '17 23:09

Jeff Saremi

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1 Answers

first value is from what index it should start (starts from 1 not from 0) second value is how many characters it should take from the index

like image 99
Vasile Surdu Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 22:01

Vasile Surdu