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What is wrong with my Try Catch in T-SQL?



I am using SQL Server 2008 and when I run this Statement in Management studio the Select statement in the Catch Block is executed as expected

 INSERT INTO IDontExist(ProductID)
SELECT 'There was an error! ' + ERROR_MESSAGE()

However when I run this statement the statement in the Catch Block is never executed and instead the error is just displayed in the results tab

  Select * from IDontExist
  SELECT 'There was an error! ' + ERROR_MESSAGE()

They both return the same error number '208' 'Invalid Object Name: IDontExist' so why would one get handled and the other not?

like image 874
etoisarobot Avatar asked Dec 29 '10 17:12


People also ask

How do you try catch in SQL?

A TRY... CATCH construct catches all execution errors that have a severity higher than 10 that do not close the database connection. A TRY block must be immediately followed by an associated CATCH block. Including any other statements between the END TRY and BEGIN CATCH statements generates a syntax error.

Can we use try catch in SQL function?

Note that you cannot use TRY... CATCH blocks inside T-SQL UDFs. If you have to capture errors that occur inside a UDF, you can do that in the calling procedure or code.

How do you handle exceptions in SQL?

To handle exception in Sql Server we have TRY.. CATCH blocks. We put T-SQL statements in TRY block and to handle exception we write code in CATCH block. If there is an error in code within TRY block then the control will automatically jump to the corresponding CATCH blocks.

How do I catch an error message in SQL Server?

When called in a CATCH block, ERROR_MESSAGE returns the complete text of the error message that caused the CATCH block to run. The text includes the values supplied for any substitutable parameters - for example, lengths, object names, or times. ERROR_MESSAGE returns NULL when called outside the scope of a CATCH block.

1 Answers

I don't get the CATCH block hit at all.

That's because the code won't compile, because the object doesn't exist, no plan is generated, so nothing runs to hit the CATCH block.

You can never hit this catch block so somethign is wrong with your testing/example. You can hit an outer catch block in a different scope (eg nested stored procs)

Edit: I'm using SQL Server 2005 SP3

It depends when deferred name resolution applies, related to statement level recompilation.

  • In my case, the whole batch fails both times and no statement level recompilation happens so no deferred name resolution

  • In OP's case, the batch compiles and runs but then has a statement level recompilation/deferred name resolution error in running code

I'm off to find some references about why it's different, given BOL doesn't say much, neither does Erland Sommarskog

like image 104
gbn Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 17:10
