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What is this : sign after a variable JS syntax?


I came across the following valid syntax in JS when looking at svelte library:

$: doubled = 6 * 2; 

At first, I thought it was specific for the library, but it works on the Chrome console. What is this syntax?

It can be anything:

name: something = 6 * 2; 
like image 502
undefined Avatar asked Apr 24 '19 12:04


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2 Answers

Any JavaScript statement (kind-of except function declarations) can be preceded by a label:

foo: var x = 0; 

What you've got there is something like that:

$: doubled = 6 * 2; 

In your statement, "$" is the label.

There's not much point to labelled statements because there's no goto in JavaScript. Both break and continue can include a label of an enclosing loop to indicate how many "layers" should be involved.

wholeLoop: for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {   for (let j = 0; j < matrix[i].length; j++) {     if (matrix[i][j] == null)       // Oh no! This is terrible       break wholeLoop;   } } 

MDN, spec

All the above is pretty much correct, but apparently Svelte applies its own build-time preprocessor to component source code and translates that into the actual JavaScript sent to the browser. This use of the label syntax is "hijacked" by them to mean something; see Quentin's answer.

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Pointy Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10


This is label in JavaScript.

The interesting point here is how Svelte is using this to bind variables to other variables. Here's a portion of a video where Rich Harris explains this.

Essentially, in Svelte, $: means re-run whenever these values change

If we look a the example in Svelte's Reactive declarations example,

<script>     let count = 1;      // the `$:` means 're-run whenever these values change'     $: doubled = count * 2;     $: quadrupled = doubled * 2;      function handleClick() {         count += 1;     } </script>  <button on:click={handleClick}>     Count: {count} </button>  <p>{count} * 2 = {doubled}</p> <p>{doubled} * 2 = {quadrupled}</p> 

The variables doubled and quadrupled have $ label. So, they'll be computed again when count or doubled changes respectively.

If you take a look at the compiled code, you can see

let doubled, quadrupled; $$self.$$.update = ($$dirty = { count: 1, doubled: 1 }) => {     if ($$dirty.count) { $$invalidate('doubled', doubled = count * 2); }     if ($$dirty.doubled) { $$invalidate('quadrupled', quadrupled = doubled * 2); } }; 

So, each time the update happens, there is a dirty check for those variables and update.

In conclusion. $: in Svelte doesn't have anything to do with JavaScript label. It's a directive for Svelte compiler to have the code for updating those variables. $: is of course valid syntax but outside the context of Svelte, it doesn't do what it does in Svelte. It's the compilation that does the magic ;)

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sudo bangbang Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

sudo bangbang