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What is this Hash-like/Tree-like Construct Called?

I want to create a "Config" class that acts somewhere between a hash and a tree. It's just for storing global values, which can have a context.

Here's how I use it:

Config.get("root.parent.child_b") #=> "value"

Here's what the class might look like:

class Construct

  def get(path)
    # split path by "."
    # search tree for nodes

  def set(key, value)
    # split path by "."
    # create tree node if necessary
    # set tree value

  def tree
      :root => {
        :parent => {
          :child_a => "value",
          :child_b => "another value"
        :another_parent => {
          :something => {
            :nesting => "goes on and on"


Is there a name for this kind of thing, somewhere between Hash and Tree (not a Computer Science major)? Basically a hash-like interface to a tree.

Something that outputs like this:

t = TreeHash.new
t.set("root.parent.child_a", "value")
t.set("root.parent.child_b", "another value")

desired output format:

t.get("root.parent.child_a") #=> "value"
t.get("root") #=> {"parent" => {"child_a" => "value", "child_b" => "another value"}}

instead of this:

t.get("root") #=> nil

or this (which you get the value from by calling {}.value)

t.get("root") #=> {"parent" => {"child_a" => {}, "child_b" => {}}}
like image 657
Lance Avatar asked Jun 05 '10 04:06


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2 Answers

You can implement one in no-time:

class TreeHash < Hash
  attr_accessor :value

  def initialize
    block = Proc.new {|h,k| h[k] = TreeHash.new(&block)}
    super &block

  def get(path)

  def set(path, value)
    find_node(path).value = value


  def find_node(path)
    path.split('.').inject(self){|h,k| h[k]}

You could improve implementation by setting unneeded Hash methods as a private ones, but it already works the way you wanted it. Data is stored in hash, so you can easily convert it to yaml.


To meet further expectations (and, convert to_yaml by default properly) you should use modified version:

class TreeHash < Hash
  def initialize
    block = Proc.new {|h,k| h[k] = TreeHash.new(&block)}
    super &block

  def get(path)
    path.split('.').inject(self){|h,k| h[k]}

  def set(path, value)
    path = path.split('.')
    leaf = path.pop
    path.inject(self){|h,k| h[k]}[leaf] = value

This version is slight trade-off, as you cannot store values in non-leaf nodes.

like image 151
samuil Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10


I think the name for the structure is really a nested hash, and the code in the question is a reinvention of javascript's dictionaries. Since a dictionary in JS (or Python or ...) can be nested, each value can be another dictionary, which has its own key/val pairs. In javascript, that's all an object is.

And the best bit is being able to use JSON to define it neatly, and pass it around:

tree : {
  'root' : {
    'parent' : {
      'child_a' : "value",
      'child_b' : "another value"
    'another_parent' : {
      'something' : {
        'nesting' : "goes on and on"

In JS you can then do tree.root.parent.child_a.

This answer to another question suggests using the Hashie gem to convert JSON objects into Ruby objects.

like image 20
Phil H Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10

Phil H