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What is the X-FB-DEBUG header returned from Facebook?


I'm wondering what the header mentioned above is. It's included in the response when I do JSONP calls to Facebook, or even when I simply access http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/

I haven't found any documentation on facebook, e.g. on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ads-api/etags-reference/

So, hope somebody can help me. thx!

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23tux Avatar asked Mar 25 '13 10:03


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What is Facebook API used for?

What is the Facebook API? The Facebook Graph API is an HTTP-based API that allows developers to extract data and functionality from the Facebook platform. Applications can use this API to programmatically query data, post in pages and groups, and manage ads, among other tasks.

What is Fbtrace_id?

fbtrace_id : Internal support identifier. When reporting a bug related to a Graph API call, include the fbtrace_id to help us find log data for debugging.

1 Answers

A little late, but just to add more information that I think it's useful. Facebook has now a place for it in its documentation, we can find it here

If you need to report a bug in the Graph API, we include a couple of additional request headers that you should send with your bug report to help us pinpoint and reproduce your issue. These request headers are X-FB-Debug and x-fb-rev.

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Bruno Costa Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Bruno Costa