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What is the *.vshost.exe.config file?

When I compile an application with VS2008 I sometimes end up with 2 identical config files:

  • *.exe.config
  • *.vshost.exe.config

What is the latter one for?

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Guy Avatar asked Nov 12 '08 18:11


People also ask

What is Vshost exe config file?

The vshost.exe. config file is the file where . net CLR will look for the config information of the program. If our code needs to run the application, we could uncheck "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process" checkbox to disable it.

What is the difference between Vshost exe config and exe config?

the vshost.exe. config file changes when your run the vshost.exe file. Whenever you are running your application in debug mode from visual studio the vshost.exe is executed that is the reason why the vshost.exe. config file is changing when your code to modify the config file was run.

What is exe config file?

config file. The WebSupportServer.exe. config file is used to configure elements such as the user names, navigation tree, and the search stack. This file is typically installed in the c:\Program Files\Stellent\WSS .

What is the Visual Studio hosting process?

The Visual Studio hosting process improves debugger performance and enables new debugger features, such as partial-trust debugging and design-time expression evaluation. You can disable the hosting process if you need to.

2 Answers

Here's a blog post that talks about the vshost process and its purpose.


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Brian Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09


When debugging inside VS your application will be called [appname].vshost.exe and so the .vshost.exe.config file is where the .net runtime will look for the program's config.

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Winston Smith Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09

Winston Smith