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What is the use of "&" operator in SQL SERVER

What is the use of & operator in the code specified below. IS there any benefit of using & instead of "AND". Please elaborate.

CASE ( C.[Status] & F.[Status] & D.[Status] & DWT.[Status] & P.[Status] )
    WHEN 1
        THEN CASE ( C.IsDeleted & F.IsDeleted & D.IsDeleted & P.IsDeleted )
        WHEN 0 THEN NULL
        ELSE 7
    ELSE 6
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Rohit Raghuvansi Avatar asked Aug 11 '10 12:08

Rohit Raghuvansi

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1 Answers

& is bit AND operation:

  • & Bitwise AND

  • | Bitwise OR

  • ^ Bitwise exclusive OR

  • ~ Bitwise NOT

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Michael Pakhantsov Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 03:10

Michael Pakhantsov