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What is the time complexity (big O) of sortedArrayUsingComparator? iOS/OSX

I need to know the time complexity of the sortedArrayUsingComparator function of the NSArray class. A source would be great since I'm likely to mention it in my bachelor's thesis. I'm sorting an array of locations by distance to the current location.

The only answer I could find was someone saying it was at least T(n)=O(n) but likely T(n)=O(n log n)

How would I know for sure?

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VeryPoliteNerd Avatar asked Apr 17 '15 11:04


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Glossary. Quasilinear Time - O(n log n): Given a data set of size n , the algorithm executes an n number of operations where each operation runs in log n (logarithmic) time.

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2 Answers

By actual trial of NSArray sorting the times are in line with O(n*log(n)).

See blog post

Note that in a comment there is a sort method (PS9110) which is O(n) but is proprietary and patented. The method is quite interesting.

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zaph Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09


Well to sort an array you have to at least look at every element which is for sure O(n). There are several mathematical papers which show you that there can't be a better sorting algorithm then O(n*log(n)) like Mergesort for example. Since the comparator implements a Mergesort I think the complexity should be O(n*log(n)) for best,average and worst case.

You can find some information about Mergesort here: Mergesort

And some article concerning the best sorting algorithm time complexity: Sorting algorithms

I couldn't find the exact implementation of the given method but here is a great article how you can dig deeper in the implementation of Arrays in Objective-C and to have a look at the methods implementation: Exposing NSMutableArray

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dehlen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
