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What is the test command while creating package.json?

While creating package.json from command line using npm init for creating a module in Node.js, there is a test command field that I don't know about. There's no mention of it in the docs too on executing npm help json also in the CLI.

Please explain what it is about.

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Aakash Verma Avatar asked Jul 03 '17 07:07

Aakash Verma

People also ask

Which command creates package json?

To create a package. json file with values that you supply, use the npm init command.

Is it npm test or npm run test?

TL;DR there is no difference. It's just a shortcut for npm tests which run the test command in the package. json file. npm run test performs the same action in this case.

1 Answers

The test command is the command that is run whenever you call npm test.

This is important when integrating with continuous integration/continuous deployment tools (such as jenkins, codeship, teamcity).

- say you deploy a project to AWS or some other cloud hosting provider,
- you can set up your infrastructure to automatically run npm test.
- If there are problems within those tests, your ci/cd will automatically rollback before deploying.

To execute tests
You can use karma, jest, or selenium/nightmare/phantomjs or about any other test scripting library/framework that allows you to write and execute tests and then set the required command in scripts.test and finally run it from npm test.

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Denis Tsoi Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10

Denis Tsoi