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What is the Solidity interface for the RSK Bridge smart contract?




The RSK Bridge exposes its interface through a smart contract deployed at 0x1000006. I was able to find the ABI file for the Bridge on github.

I'm after a Solidity interface file instead - is there one available, and if so where can I find it?

like image 965
7alip Avatar asked Aug 23 '21 10:08


People also ask

What is a smart contract in solidity?

What is Smart Contract in Solidity? - GeeksforGeeks What is Smart Contract in Solidity? Solidity’s code is encapsulated in contracts which means a contract in Solidity is a collection of code (its functions) and data (its state) that resides at a specific address on the Ethereum blockchain.

What is solidity programming language?

Solidity is a high-level object-oriented programming language for creating smart contracts. It was created by participants of the Ethereum project, which was proposed in 2014. Solidity is primarily used to build smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, but it may also be used to build smart contracts on other blockchains.

What are smart contracts on the blockchain?

On the blockchain, smart contracts are lines of code. They are, more properly, conditional computer programs that use "if-then" functions. For example, payment of a certain amount to be done on a coming date can be written in a smart contract and it will be processed on the specified date automatically.

What is an interface in solidity?

An interface in Solidity behaves similarly to interface agreements in traditional object-oriented programming languages. In object-oriented programming an interface is a description of all functions that an object must have in order for it to operate.

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1 Answers

Since you have an ABI, put it in the file named ‘bridge.json’. Copy the script below to the file in the same folder and launch it in the Terminal command line like this: ‘node filename.js’. Then find your solidity bridge interface in the file ‘Bridge.sol’ in the same folder. You need node.js to be installed in your system to run this script.

const fs = require('fs')
/** Name of the bridge ABI file */
const bridgeABI = require('./bridge.json')
/** Filename for the generated Solidity bridge interface file */
const BRIDGE_SOL = 'Bridge.sol'
const functions = bridgeABI.filter((element) => element.type === 'function')
const stream = fs.createWriteStream(BRIDGE_SOL)
stream.write(`// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
interface Bridge {
functions.forEach((f) => {
  // function parameters
  const inputs = f.inputs
    .map((i) => {
      // add 'calldata' to the following types
      const type = ['bytes', 'bytes[]', 'bytes32[]', 'string'].includes(i.type)
        ? `${i.type} calldata`
        : i.type
      return `${type} _${i.name}`
    .join(', ')
  // function return values
  const outputs = f.outputs
    .map((o) => {
      // add 'memory' to the following types
      const type = ['bytes', 'string'].includes(o.type)
        ? `${o.type} memory`
        : o.type
      return `${type}${o.name ? ` ${o.name}` : ''}`
    .join(', ')
  // record a single function signature
    `    ${f.type} ${f.name}(${inputs}) external${f.constant ? ' view' : ''}${
      outputs ? ` returns (${outputs})` : ''
console.log(`The bridge was generated. Find it in the file ${BRIDGE_SOL}`)

Here is the interface, generated by the script above:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

interface Bridge {
    function getBtcBlockchainBestChainHeight() external view returns (int);
    function getStateForBtcReleaseClient() external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getStateForDebugging() external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getBtcBlockchainInitialBlockHeight() external view returns (int);
    function getBtcBlockchainBlockHashAtDepth(int256 _depth) external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getBtcTxHashProcessedHeight(string calldata _hash) external view returns (int64);
    function isBtcTxHashAlreadyProcessed(string calldata _hash) external view returns (bool);
    function getFederationAddress() external view returns (string memory);
    function registerBtcTransaction(bytes calldata _tx, int256 _height, bytes calldata _pmt) external view;
    function addSignature(bytes calldata _pubkey, bytes[] calldata _signatures, bytes calldata _txhash) external view;
    function receiveHeaders(bytes[] calldata _blocks) external view;
    function receiveHeader(bytes calldata _block) external view returns (int256);
    function getFederationSize() external view returns (int256);
    function getFederationThreshold() external view returns (int256);
    function getFederatorPublicKey(int256 _index) external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getFederatorPublicKeyOfType(int256 _index, string calldata _type) external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getFederationCreationTime() external view returns (int256);
    function getFederationCreationBlockNumber() external view returns (int256);
    function getRetiringFederationAddress() external view returns (string memory);
    function getRetiringFederationSize() external view returns (int256);
    function getRetiringFederationThreshold() external view returns (int256);
    function getRetiringFederatorPublicKey(int256 _index) external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getRetiringFederatorPublicKeyOfType(int256 _index, string calldata _type) external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getRetiringFederationCreationTime() external view returns (int256);
    function getRetiringFederationCreationBlockNumber() external view returns (int256);
    function createFederation() external returns (int256);
    function addFederatorPublicKey(bytes calldata _key) external returns (int256);
    function addFederatorPublicKeyMultikey(bytes calldata _btcKey, bytes calldata _rskKey, bytes calldata _mstKey) external returns (int256);
    function commitFederation(bytes calldata _hash) external returns (int256);
    function rollbackFederation() external returns (int256);
    function getPendingFederationHash() external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getPendingFederationSize() external view returns (int256);
    function getPendingFederatorPublicKey(int256 _index) external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getPendingFederatorPublicKeyOfType(int256 _index, string calldata _type) external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getLockWhitelistSize() external view returns (int256);
    function getLockWhitelistAddress(int256 _index) external view returns (string memory);
    function getLockWhitelistEntryByAddress(string calldata _address) external view returns (int256);
    function addLockWhitelistAddress(string calldata _address, int256 _maxTransferValue) external returns (int256);
    function addOneOffLockWhitelistAddress(string calldata _address, int256 _maxTransferValue) external returns (int256);
    function addUnlimitedLockWhitelistAddress(string calldata _address) external returns (int256);
    function removeLockWhitelistAddress(string calldata _address) external returns (int256);
    function setLockWhitelistDisableBlockDelay(int256 _disableDelay) external returns (int256);
    function getFeePerKb() external view returns (int256);
    function voteFeePerKbChange(int256 _feePerKb) external returns (int256);
    function updateCollections() external;
    function getMinimumLockTxValue() external view returns (int256);
    function getBtcTransactionConfirmations(bytes32 _txHash, bytes32 _blockHash, uint256 _merkleBranchPath, bytes32[] calldata _merkleBranchHashes) external view returns (int256);
    function getLockingCap() external view returns (int256);
    function increaseLockingCap(int256 _newLockingCap) external view returns (bool);
    function registerBtcCoinbaseTransaction(bytes calldata _btcTxSerialized, bytes32 _blockHash, bytes calldata _pmtSerialized, bytes32 _witnessMerkleRoot, bytes32 _witnessReservedValue) external view;
    function hasBtcBlockCoinbaseTransactionInformation(bytes32 _blockHash) external view returns (bool);
    function registerFastBridgeBtcTransaction(bytes calldata _btcTxSerialized, uint256 _height, bytes calldata _pmtSerialized, bytes32 _derivationArgumentsHash, bytes calldata _userRefundBtcAddress, address _liquidityBridgeContractAddress, bytes calldata _liquidityProviderBtcAddress, bool _shouldTransferToContract) external view returns (int256);
    function getActiveFederationCreationBlockHeight() external view returns (uint256);
    function getBtcBlockchainBestBlockHeader() external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getBtcBlockchainBlockHeaderByHash(bytes32 _btcBlockHash) external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getBtcBlockchainBlockHeaderByHeight(uint256 _btcBlockHeight) external view returns (bytes memory);
    function getBtcBlockchainParentBlockHeaderByHash(bytes32 _btcBlockHash) external view returns (bytes memory);
like image 94
Aleks Shenshin Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 23:10

Aleks Shenshin