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what is the size of empty class in C++,java?

What is the size of an empty class in C++ and Java? Why is it not zero? sizeof(); returns 1 in the case of C++.

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garima Avatar asked Jan 25 '11 04:01


People also ask

What is size of empty class in Java?

It is known that size of an empty class is not zero. Generally, it is 1 byte.

What is the size of empty class *?

The size of an empty class is not zero. It is 1 byte generally.

What is an empty class in Java?

A simple empty class of java supports legacy, as it automatically acquires object class, therefore can produce the functionality described in the object hierarchy. It automatically generates a fault constructor inside the class with a blank description.

What is the size of a class in Java?

Java Class Any class in Java is nothing but an object with a mix of all mentioned components: header (8 or 12 bytes for 32/64 bit os). primitive (type bytes depending on the primitive type). object/class/array (4 bytes reference size).

2 Answers

Short Answer for C++:

The C++ standard explicitly says that a class can not have zero size.

Long Answer for C++:

Because each object needs to have a unique address (also defined in the standard) you can't really have zero sized objects.
Imagine an array of zero sized objects. Because they have zero size they would all line up on the same address location. So it is easier to say that objects can not have zero size.


Even though an object has a non zero size, if it actually takes up zero room it does not need to increase the size of derived class:


#include <iostream>

class A {};
class B {};
class C: public A, B {};

int main()
     std::cout << sizeof(A) << "\n";
     std::cout << sizeof(B) << "\n";
     std::cout << sizeof(C) << "\n";  // Result is not 3 as intuitively expected.

g++ ty.cpp
like image 178
Martin York Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10

Martin York

In the Java case:

  • There is no simple way to find out how much memory an object occupies in Java; i.e. there is no sizeof operator.
  • There are a few ways (e.g. using Instrumentation or 3rd party libraries) that will give you a number, but the meaning is nuanced1; see In Java, what is the best way to determine the size of an object?
  • The size of an object (empty or non-empty) is platform specific.

The size of an instance of an "empty class" (i.e. java.lang.Object) is not zero because the instance has implicit state associated with it. For instance, state is needed:

  • so that the object can function as a primitive lock,
  • to represent its identity hashcode,
  • to indicate if the object has been finalized,
  • to refer to the object's runtime class,
  • to hold the object's GC mark bits,
  • and so on.

Current Hotspot JVMs use clever tricks to represent the state in an object header that occupies two 32 bit words. (This expands in some circumstances; e.g. when a primitive lock is actually used, or after identityHashCode() is called.)

1 - For example, does the size of the string object created by new String("hello") include the size of that backing array that holds the characters? From the JVM perspective, that array is a separate object!

like image 26
Stephen C Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 10:10

Stephen C