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what is the self => used for? [duplicate]



Possible Duplicate:
What does “outer =>” really mean?

When i look in to the source code of: scala/src/library/scala/Option.scala

sealed abstract class Option[+A] extends Product with Serializable {
  self =>

I wander what the self use for. I know the normal use of self type is to restrict the class the trait can be mixed in. such as:

scala> trait A
defined trait A

scala> trait NeedA {self: A =>}
defined trait NeedA

scala> new NeedA {}
<console>:10: error: illegal inheritance;
 self-type java.lang.Object with NeedA does not conform to NeedA's selftype NeedA with A
              new NeedA {}

scala> new NeedA with A {}
res39: java.lang.Object with NeedA with A = $anon$1@4d04a0e8


but the "this =>" is not the case. what indeed this "this =>" used for?

like image 601
user962278 Avatar asked Dec 16 '11 10:12


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1 Answers

It creates an alias to this, which may be handy in inner classes (synonymous for OuterClass.this)

class A {self => 
  class B {
      // self is the enclosing A, synonymous for A.this
like image 162
Didier Dupont Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 16:10

Didier Dupont