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What is the '--rm' flag doing?

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What is rm flag?

The --rm flag is there to tell the Docker Daemon to clean up the container and remove the file system after the container exits. This helps you save disk space after running short-lived containers like this one, that we only started to print "Hello, World!".

What does docker -- rm do?

The --rm causes Docker to automatically remove the container when it exits. The image being used to create the container is generally specified as <name>:<tag> such as ruby:latest . If the specified image is not available locally, Docker will attempt to retrieve it from Docker Hub (or any connected Docker registry).

Which of the following flag helps to automatically remove the container when it exits?

When --rm flag is set, Docker also removes the volumes associated with the container when the container is removed. This is similar to running docker rm -v my-container. Only volumes that are specified without a name are removed.

Containers are merely an instance of the image you use to run them. The state of mind when creating a containerized app is not by taking a fresh, clean ubuntu container for instance, and downloading the apps and configurations you wish to have in it, and then let it run.

You should treat the container as an instance of your application, but your application is embedded into an image. The proper usage would be creating a custom image, where you embed all your files, configurations, environment variables etc, into the image. Read more about Dockerfile and how it is done here

Once you did that, you have an image that contains everything, and in order to use your application, you just run the image with proper port settings or other dynamic variables, using docker run <your-image>

Running containers with --rm flag is good for those containers that you use for very short while just to accomplish something, e.g., compile your application inside a container, or just testing something that it works, and then you are know its a short lived container and you tell your Docker daemon that once its done running, erase everything related to it and save the disk space.

The flag --rm is used when you need the container to be deleted after the task for it is complete.

This is suitable for small testing or POC purposes and saves the headache for house keeping.

From https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#clean-up---rm

By default a container’s file system persists even after the container exits. This makes debugging a lot easier (since you can inspect the final state) and you retain all your data by default. But if you are running short-term foreground processes, these container file systems can really pile up. If instead you’d like Docker to automatically clean up the container and remove the file system when the container exits, you can add the --rm flag

In short, it's useful to keep the host clean from stopped and unused containers.

I use --rm when connecting to running containers to perform some actions such as database backup or file copy. Here is an example:

docker run -v $(pwd):/mnt --link app_postgres_1:pg --rm postgres:9.5 pg_dump -U postgres -h pg -f /mnt/docker_pg.dump1 app_db

The above will connect a running container named 'app_postgres_1' and create a backup. Once the backup command completes, the container is fully deleted.

When you run a container from an image using a simple command like (docker run -it ubuntu), it spins up a container. You attach to your container using docker attach container-name (or using exec for different session).

So, when you're within your container and working on it and you type exit or ctrl+z or any other way to come out of the container, other than ctrl+p+q, your container exits. That means that your container has stopped, but it is still available on your disk and you can start it again with : docker start container-name/ID. But when you run the container with —rm tag, on exit, the container is deleted permanently.