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What is the right order of insertion/deletion/modification on dataset?

The MSDN claims that the order is :

  1. Child table: delete records.
  2. Parent table: insert, update, and delete records.
  3. Child table: insert and update records.

I have a problem with that.

Example : ParentTable have two records parent1(Id : 1) and parent2(Id : 2)

ChildTable have a record child1(Id : 1, ParentId : 1)

If we update the child1 to have a new parent parent2, and then we delete parent1.

  1. We have nothing to delete in child table
  2. We delete parent1 : we broke the constraint, because the child is still attached to parent1, unless we update it first.

So what is the right order, and is the MSDN false on the subject?

My personnals thoughts is

  1. Child table: delete records.
  2. Parent table: insert, update records.
  3. Child table: insert and update records.
  4. Parent table: delete records.

But the problem is, with potentially unique constraint, we must always delete the records in a table before adding new... So I have no solution right now for commiting my datas to my database.

Edit : thanks for the answers, but your corner case is my daily case... I opt for the ugly solution to disabled constraint, then update database, and re-enabled constraint. I'm still searching a better solution..

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Cyril Gandon Avatar asked Mar 21 '12 09:03

Cyril Gandon

People also ask

What is the process of adding and deleting the record from the database?

This is an Expert-Verified AnswerIn Datasheet View, open the table, and in Form View, open the form. Click New or New (blank) record in the Records group on the Home tab, or press Ctrl+Plus Sign (+). In the record selector, look for the record marked with an asterisk and update the information.

Which method is used to insert update and modify data?

PL SQL Update Command The UPDATE statement is used to modify the values in a table. It is also called a Data Manipulation Language. It uses the names of the table, column, and values as inputs and performs the modification of values on the table.

Which of the following can perform select insert update and delete operations in requested data source?

Along with selecting data, the SqlDataSource control can be used to insert, update, and delete data by supplying INSERT , UPDATE , and DELETE SQL statements in much the same way.

Which one is responsible for insert update delete data into database?

INSERT , UPDATE , and DELETE are all functions in SQL that help you ensure your data is up-to-date and kept clear of unnecessary or outdated information. INSERT , UPDATE , and DELETE , as well as SELECT and MERGE, are known as Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements, which let SQL users view and manage data.

2 Answers

Doesn't your SQL product support deferred constraint checking ?

If not, you could try

Delete all child records - delete all parent records - insert all parent records - insert all child records

where any UPDATEs have been split into their constituent DELETEs and INSERTs.

This should work correctly in all cases, but at acceptable speeds probably in none ...

It is also provable that this is the only scheme that can work correctly in all cases, since :

(a) key constraints on parent dictate that parent DELETES must precede parent INSERTS,
(b) key constraints on child dictate that child DELETES must precede child INSERTS,
(c) FK dictates that child DELETES must precede parent DELETES
(d) FK also dictates that child INSERTS must follow parent INSERTS

The given sequence is the only possible one that satisfies these 4 requirements, and it also shows that UPDATEs to the child make a solution impossible no matter what, since an UPDATE means a "simultaneous" DELETE plus INSERT.

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Erwin Smout Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10

Erwin Smout

You have to take their context into account. MS said

When updating related tables in a dataset, it is important to update in the proper sequence to reduce the chance of violating referential integrity constraints.

in the context of writing client data application software.

Why is it important to reduce the chance of violating referential integrity constraints? Because violating those constraints means

  • more round trips between the dbms and the client, either for the client code to handle the constraint violations, or for the human user to handle the violations,
  • more time taken,
  • more load on the server,
  • more opportunities for human error, and
  • more chances for concurrent updates to change the underlying data (possibly confusing either the application code, the human user, or both).

And why do they consider their procedure the right way? Because it provides a single process that will avoid referential integrity violations in almost all the common cases, and even in a lot of the uncommon ones. For example . . .

  • If the update is a DELETE operation on the referenced table, and if foreign keys in the referencing tables are declared as ON DELETE CASCADE, then the optimal thing is to simply delete the referenced row (the parent row), and let the dbms manage the cascade. (This is also the optimal thing for ON DELETE SET DEFAULT, and for ON DELETE SET NULL.)

  • If the update is a DELETE operation on the referenced table, and if foreign keys in the referencing tables are declared as ON DELETE RESTRICT, then the optimal thing is to delete all the referencing rows (child rows) first, then delete the referenced row.

But, with proper use of transactions, MS's procedure leaves the database in a consistent state regardless. The value is that it's a single, client-side process to code and to maintain, even though it's not optimal in all cases. (That's often the case in software design--choosing a single way that's not optimal in all cases. ActiveRecord leaps to mind.)

You said

Example : ParentTable have two records parent1(Id : 1) and parent2(Id : 2)

ChildTable have a record child1(Id : 1, ParentId : 1)

If we update the child1 to have a new parent parent2, and the we delete parent1.

  1. We have nothing to delete in child table
  2. We delete parent1 : we broke the constraint, because the child is still attached to parent1, unless we update it first.

That's not a referential integrity issue; it's a procedural issue. This problem clearly requires two transactions.

  1. Update the child to have a new parent, then commit. This data must be corrected regardless of what happens to the first parent. Specifically, this data must be corrected even if there are concurrent updates or other constraints that make it either temporarily or permanently impossible to delete the first parent. (This isn't a referential integrity issue, because there's no ON DELETE SET TO NEXT PARENT ID OR MAKE YOUR BEST GUESS clause in SQL foreign key constraints.)

  2. Delete the first parent, then commit. This might require first updating any number of child rows in any number of tables. In a huge organization, I can imagine some deletes like this taking weeks to finish.

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Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall' Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10

Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall'