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What is the return type of document.querySelectorAll

Let's say I have the following list:

    <li>Cookies <ol>
    <li class="test1">Chocolate </li>

and I perform this selection at the end of my html

 var nodes = document.querySelectorAll('li:first-of-type');

When I tried in Chrome nodes.forEach it gave me an error. When I looked at the value it looked like an array. I actually was able to navigate it using a regular for like:

for(var i=0;i<nodes.length;i++){
   nodes[i].onclick= function(){ alert('Hello!'); };

So, what is the actual returned type of document.querySelectorAll? why array methods did not work?

So, it looks like an array, can workaround it to make it work like an array but it is not an array?

like image 789
Dalorzo Avatar asked Feb 11 '14 22:02


People also ask

Does document querySelectorAll return array?

The querySelectorAll method returns an array-like object called a node list. These data structures are referred to as “Array-like”, because they appear as an array, but can not be used with array methods like map and forEach .

Does querySelectorAll return null?

querySelector() will return the first element that matches the specified group of selectors. If no match is found 'null' is returned.

Does querySelectorAll return in order?

The querySelectorAll() methods on the Document , DocumentFragment , and Element interfaces must return a NodeList containing all of the matching Element nodes within the subtrees of the context node, in document order.

What does querySelectorAll mean?

The querySelectorAll() method in HTML is used to return a collection of an element's child elements that match a specified CSS selector(s), as a static NodeList object. The NodeList object represents a collection of nodes. The nodes can be accessed by index numbers.

2 Answers

The type of the result is a NodeList. Since it is an Array-like object, you can run the map, forEach and other Array.prototype functions on it like this:

var result = document.querySelectorAll('a');
Array.prototype.map.call(result, function(t){ return t; })

The map, forEach, any and other functions in the Array prototype work on Array-like objects. For example, let's define an object literal with numerical indexes (0,1) and a length property:

var arrayLike = { '0': 'a', '1': 'b', length: 2};

The forEach method, applied to the arrayLike object will like on a real Array.

Array.prototype.forEach.call(arrayLike, function(x){ console.log(x) } ); //prints a and b
like image 126
Giovanni Filardo Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09

Giovanni Filardo

In the documentation, it says that :

[the returned list of elements] is a non-live NodeList of element objects.

NodeList is different from an array (entirely-different prototype-chain) and the documentation also tells you why you cannot use forEach:

Why can't I use forEach or map on a NodeList?

NodeList are used very much like arrays and it would be tempting to use Array.prototype methods on them, however they don't have those methods.

JavaScript has an inheritance mechanism based on prototypes for both built–in objects (like Arrays) and host objects (like NodeLists). Array instances inherit array methods (such as forEach or map) because their prototype chain looks like the following:

myArray --> Array.prototype --> Object.prototype --> null (The prototype chain of an object can be obtained by calling Object.getPrototypeOf several times.)

forEach, map and the likes are own properties of the Array.prototype object.

Unlike arrays, NodeList prototype chain looks like the following:

myNodeList --> NodeList.prototype --> Object.prototype --> null

NodeList.prototype contains the item method, but none of the Array.prototype methods, so they cannot be used on NodeLists.

However, there are workarounds. Again from the documentation, you can use the Array.prototype.forEach and Array.prototype.map methods directly like so:

var forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;

var divs = document.getElementsByTagName( 'div' );
var firstDiv = divs[ 0 ];

forEach.call(firstDiv.childNodes, function( divChild ){
  divChild.parentNode.style.color = '#0F0';


It seems NodeLists can now be accessed like an array* in this updated documentation:

Accessing the matches

Once the NodeList of matching elements is returned, you can examine it just like any array. If the array is empty (that is, its length property is 0), then no matches were found.

Otherwise, you can simply use standard array notation to access the contents of the list. You can use any common looping statement, such as:

var highlightedItems = userList.querySelectorAll(".highlighted");

highlightedItems.forEach(function(userItem) {

*While you can now use forEach, other methods like map are not available.

like image 30
Vivin Paliath Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09

Vivin Paliath