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What is the quickest way to compare two servers' IIS settings?

I am having non uniform results for applications running on two Windows 2003 Servers running IIS. Is there a way to quickly dump IIS configurations to a file for comparison? Are there good tools to compare two IIS servers?

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ojblass Avatar asked Jun 22 '09 19:06


People also ask

What are IIS settings?

Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 and later use an XML-based configuration system for storing IIS settings which replaces the metabase that was used in IIS 6.0 and earlier. This new configuration system was introduced with ASP.NET and is based on a hierarchical system of management system that uses *. config files.

2 Answers

Give Metabase Explorer a shot as part of the IIS 6 resource kit. You can view all the settings for multiple servers and copy/paste the results to an xls and compare there.

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Marc Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10


You could use Web Deploy (http://www.iis.net/download/WebDeploy) for that, you can point it to the server remotely (assuming you have Administrator credentials) and diff two servers to see what are the differences. You could even sync them if you wanted to so that they look the same.

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Carlos Aguilar Mares Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Carlos Aguilar Mares