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What is the purpose of `v-overflow-btn` component in Vuetify? How is it different from a select component(`v-select`)?



The look and feel of a v-overflow-btn component is same as a select component. Both serve the same purpose: Selecting items from a list. Is there anything special in the overflow button component? How is it different from the select menu?

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Ankit Kante Avatar asked Mar 16 '20 06:03

Ankit Kante

1 Answers

v-overflow-btn is a styled version of v-select for use in toolbars, to match https://material.io/archive/guidelines/components/buttons.html#dropdown-buttons-figure-caption-1

Only the segmented variant actually has different behaviour than v-select, where the left section behaves as a normal button and the action taken on click can be preselected from the dropdown. You've probably used a control like this before as MS Word's font color selector.

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Kael Watts-Deuchar Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 10:11

Kael Watts-Deuchar